[APPROVED] Onboarding DAO Funding Request for January 2022

Hello NEAR fam!

In the first place I would like to thank you all for your support!

Onboarding DAO is looking forward to expanding its activities and actions and grow as a DAO.
Also, please be informed, that we have created a funding request for one of our activity to Marketing DAO, which is the AMAs sessions. :crossed_fingers:
Feel free to check our report for December to see how busy month we had!

We would like to request for funding for JAN-22, as we’d like to implement the following actions:

  1. Symbolik On The Blockchain Show $400,
  2. Granting Program $2500,

Also, we would like to lock 30% of requested funds for DAO Management, which is $870.

Onboarding DAO councils:
@NatalieCrue @chloe @Symbolik @Paul

Total funds requested: $3770
Target: onboarding-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Let’s onboard,
Onboarding DAO Councils.



the Granting program is a great idea! Proposal is hereby approved, please request 237.7N (coingecko 6.1. 22:31 GMT, 1N= 15.86$) from the Creatives Astro DAO & happy onboarding!