I want to continue to put together a monthly playlist to highlight the work of NxM guild members. I think this serves both to help promote the communities work, as well as to build engagement with listeners and bring in new artists. I also want to have a guest from the community put together a curated playlist on the NxM account.
July Community Playlist - Audius
July Curated Playlist (Keyboard Kid) - Audius
Plans for August
*Guest curator
*Have guest cover art for both playlists
-I want to have bounties in createbase to draw from that community for these pieces
*Build a playlist of 15 tracks highlighting the recent works of the community.
*Increase visibility with guest curators from the periphery of our community
*Ideally, I would re-apply to run and maintain this for at least 6 months, in order to give enough time to see if this benefits the community, as well as enough time to get things in good standing order so that hopefully I am able to have other guild members take turns running things, or expand to having different members for different genres, whatever feels most appropriate.
Request Breakdown: 30N to guest curator, 10N for each Createbase bounty (20N total), 50N to self
Total Request: 100 NEAR monthly
NEAR name: bonepoliceofficial.near
Thanks so much,
Jacob Bruggman (Bone Police)