[Approved] NearExplorer - Social Media

Hello, we are crypto enthusiasts and ex-employees of Degen 2.0
@Evangel @Den @Ihor

We have been active participants in the Near ecosystem since the earliest times, we are well acquainted with it and with its projects. During the work, we studied the information space of various social networks and Near itself well. Knowledge of the ecosystem, understanding of marketing and experience in the Near ecosystem gives us the opportunity to well assess the situation in the market and in the ecosystem, understand how to benefit the Near ecosystem and its projects, so we would like to do this.

Ecosystem Near is getting bigger and bigger every day, new projects appear, but there is not much information about these projects in the information space. We believe that these projects especially need support for their growth and life. Therefore, we have a proposal whose goal is to support new projects in the ecosystem.

We want to become that part of the ecosystem that will support young projects.

We propose: to support new ecosystem projects by creating clear and high-quality information about them and promoting this information in social networks.

There are also many Hackathons from Near, both online and offline. But there is practically no information about these hackathons, so we would also like to pay attention to this and create high-quality content about hackathons and their winners.

What will we cover:

Information about young projects
Information about projects that received grants from NEAR, AURORA
Information about the projects that won the hackathons and about the hackathons themselves.

What exactly are we going to do:

• we will create a medium where we will write articles about these projects, their features and benefits. These articles will be great content for the entire audience in the Near ecosystem and will spread well throughout the information space.
• We will create a twitter where we will write informative threads and talk about the features of young projects, as well as support their posts.
• We will create a telegram channel where we will talk about these projects, as well as projects that receive grants and other information about young projects in Near.
• We will create a telegram chat where we will discuss young projects and attract an audience to them, organize AMAs, etc.
• We will hold contests and giveaways

Due to the fact that we are well aware of the Near Ecosystem Infospace, the various Twitter and Telegram accounts that cover information from the ecosystem, we will strive to work with them to promote our content, as they are interested in good content, and we are interested in promotion and support of young projects.

What projects will we support:

The list of projects from the Near ecosystem that we will promote, we will take on the AweSome Near platform.
Also in the future we will seek cooperation with AwesomeNear to support new projects in the ecosystem.

We have also created a form that any project can fill out and ask for support, in turn we will help in any way we can

At the moment we have already created our social networks:

Telegram channel - Telegram: Contact @NEARexplorer
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NearExplorer
Medium - NearExplorer – Medium


We will submit reports once a month, where we will indicate all the content that we have created, the number of subscribers, views and the number of projects that we have supported and also indicate all our expenses.

In the future, with the success of the activities and the support of the Near community, we will strive to become something bigger and provide even stronger support for young projects in the ecosystem. We will strive to become the center of all kinds of support for young ecosystem projects.


In order to support the Near ecosystem and its projects by a team of experienced and close-knit crypto enthusiasts and Near fans, we are asking for support from NEAR Marketing in funding for a month in the amount of 3 * $800 USD

• Total: $2,400 USD
• NEAR Wallet ID: evangel.near
• Wallet owner’s name: Skydan Yevhen

@cryptocredit @so608 @Dacha @marketingdao-council please, review my proposal


I think it’s really important to tell community members about new projects and guilds in Near Ecosystem, which appear on the Awesome Near website daily. Given your many years of experience, I hope your project will be successful.

Happy to support. Thanks


Hi Evangel,

Creating great content requires a deeper understanding of the NEAR ecosystem. I’m glad that you guys are still around, would be a tragedy to waste so many months of NEAR knowledge.

I agree that you’ve identified a clear need for identify, synthetise and amplify so much that is happenign on the NEAR Ecosystem. For instance, I would personally be interested in using the type of content your propose to aid me in my content creation for YouTube.

Happy to Support this proposal.


Hi @Evangel thanks for the proposal.

I like your focus on promoting and cooperating with AwesomeNear.

Happy to support and will move to Approved.


Great initiative- happy to support.


You can now proceed to post Poll on AstroDAO. Once the poll is approved you need to submit Google Form: you’ll be prompted to complete KYC from third party (Onfido) and then sent a Reward Agreement to sign (HelloSign).

Reach out if you have any questions along the way


Thanks to @Dacha, @satojandro, @cryptocredit and @Klint for your answers.