[Approved] Near Venezuela [June]

I am José, my presentation: [Forum Meeting] Near Venezuela Members - #99 by thegood41

Hello NEAR Community of Venezuela

Report: As promoter of the Free Horses project in this month of October 2022 we follow the dissemination and information of the NEAR Protocol; NearP2P and Sona Protocol reporting on the Twitter account @blockt100 and Discord from a minimum of 3 posts per day from 9 am to 1 pm Venezuela time. I leave the control table along with the statistics of the Twitter account…

Following the indicated guidelines to continue growing…

Wallet: thegood.near

Telegram: @platanox

Discord: Sterling#2227

Twitter: @blockt100

@Mineriavirtual @FritzWorm @jblm I appreciate the opportunity provided and for being here.