[Approved] NEAR Reality onboarding seminar

Hey fam, we’ve been so busy with underground marketing of the event and other challenges so far but things are in order so these are the social links,red carpet flex,website link to the Sunday event below.

I.G :







Twitter :



Facebook :


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Uploading: 4183166E-6CAE-408B-B93C-6C156E475069.jpeg… Uploading: 901535A8-D87B-4958-8B1C-CC8D6D34C593.jpeg…


Hi @Dedeukwu the promotional materials look great! :tada:

Please submit a payout proposal to our DAO for your project’s Phase 2 in the amount of 100 NEAR.

We will have our weekly meeting this week with @talktoricardo and @MoniBlockdiver and will get back to you after that with guidelines for submitting your Phase 3 deliverables - Metrics Report & Event Documentation.


Hey Dede nice chatting on the Creatives forum last Saturday - the material looks awesome!

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Thank you @talktoricardo and @lenara i will submit every other metrics and the payout once my 2FA is disabled cos of my recent issue I can’t mint nor bond anything with my wallet.:pray:


@talktoricardo @lenara i have submitted for my payout in the Createbase SputikDAO :wave:


we will vote thank you!!!

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@Dedeukwu your proposal looks like it was submitted twice, with proposal numbers #403
and #404

There is no way to delete proposals, so we will vote YES only on the latest one (#404) and will vote NO on the other (#403)

@caromintbase @talktoricardo and @MoniBlockdiver you can just follow my vote


will do! thanks for the info Lenara

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Alright thanks :pray: I’ll take note next time,BTW the video of the event is still in process and I will mint and paste the link here for y’all to enjoy and support :nerd_face::raised_hands:t6:

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Hey @Dedeukwu, 2nd payout approved, looking forward to the video and Phase 3 deliverables - some numbers on how many people attended, NEAR wallets created, NFTs minted on Mintbase, etc :raised_hands: :+1:

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Awesome,I’ll post the links here once we are done with the video editing :raised_hands:t6: :purple_heart:


@caromintbase @lenara @talktoricardo finally minted the NEAR ONBOARDING REALITY SEMINAR as Event NFTs going for 3 N with a MINTGATE HIGH QUALITY Resolution ( link below ) and we have total number of 54 wallets activated still reaching out to the remaining 6 content creators that created wallet under the C1 Guild reasons because most of them have no idea where they saved their Passphrase while some are students on examination period but will definitely get their wallets activated once they can….We have minted some jobs in the C1 Guild store from the creators we registered and still waiting for more working on their artworks to be submitted.:raised_hands:t6:

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This has been a great project!
Been passivey observing this project, great work done by the entire team!

@Dedeukwu :heart::raised_hands::dizzy::rocket: #thefutureisnear and it’s already here!

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