Since November 2021 we are growing a NEAR community for the German-speaking area (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). Our community exists on Telegram, on Twitter, on Medium, on and we are also supporting the Discord channel. In the last weeks we have made some partnerships with other German communities and influencers and have taken part in Offline Events. You can see some facts about our activities and some statistics in our latest report. Due to market conditions and our discussion we will focus on the most important activities in the next two months:
- In the next two months we want to continue with our work on Telegram, Twitter and Discord. Our main goal is to motivate our users to believe in the future of NEAR. Many users are really frustrated because of the bad market situation but our responsibility is to reactivate them.
- Online events: We hosted a Twitter space a few weeks ago. Next time we will do it on Telegram with a Voice Chat. There we want to get to know the users in our community better and their skills and thoughts about Near and the current situation. We want to explain to them the possibilities within the Near ecosystem and how they can help to grow the ecosystem.
- Partnership with Binance German: We want to expand our partnerships with other German communities. The goal is to present the NEAR protocol to their users, to convince them about the promising future of NEAR and to reactivate the frustrated users. To start the partnership we will host an AMA Session about NEAR in their group: Telegram: Contact @BinanceGerman.
- We want to translate/write some (6-8) articles of the NEAR ecosystem in German and present these articles to our community through our Medium account. We think it’s important that there is some content in the German language to engage more German people for the NEAR ecosystem.
We will do the activities listed above but we also want to expand our activities. We will continue to look for Blockchain developers for NEAR. Therefore we are currently planning some more Offline Events (Blockchain Hackathons, Blockchain Academies, Blockchain Conferences etc.) we want to take part in. And some activities from our last proposal like the Partnership with Bitcoin2Go are still ongoing. (We have postponed the interview due to the market situation). More to follow in the next few weeks.
Till end of August, we are expecting to reach:
- Active Telegram and Twitter community
- Articles about NEAR in German Language
- Online events in our community (Telegram Voice Chat)
- Successful partnership with Binance German.
Successful activities till end of August means:
- Active Near Germany Telegram group, talking about the NEAR Ecosystem.
- Active Near Germany Twitter account - with the latest news about NEAR.
- 6-8 articles in German about the NEAR ecosystem published on medium.com.
- 2 successful Online events (Telegram Voice Chat)
- Successful AMA session with Binance German
Telegram + Twitter + Discord (3 managers, 300 USDT/month each): 1800 USDT total
- Support our communities on Telegram + Discord + tweet regularly the latest news of the NEAR ecosystem on Twitter.
Online events (Telegram Voice Chat): 600 USDT
Partnership with Binance German: 800 USDT total (rewards included)
Write/translate 6-8 German Articles: 650 USDT total
Management: 600 USDT total
- Planning, reporting, team meetings, coordination, prepare articles, brainstorming
Total costs (July and August): 4450 USDT