Working Event Title: Minting Music
DAO: mintingmusic.sputnikdao.near
Our goal is to begin a series of events dedicated to educating and empowering the independent music community about the vast opportunities for artists in blockchain, familiarizing themselves with NFT’s and the NEAR ecosystem.
The first event will cater to onboarding and setting up NEAR wallets for all 100 invitees with the expectation of a 100% conversion rate. All guests in attendance will be selectively chosen from our deep network of music industry, social media and entertainment influencers best positioned to be ambassadors for NEAR, benefit from NFT’s and inspire other communities to be more active in transacting on the blockchain.
To better prepare guests for their onboarding and interactions, we will host a Q&A with our developer and marketing teams to address and outline strategies artists can and have utilized to create new opportunities to engage with their audiences, create new revenue streams and protect their intellectual property.
By targeting established members of the music community and select influencers, we will build highly visible brand awareness and social sentiment for NEAR while, providing resources directly facilitating the onboarding of prominent users to interact within the NEAR ecosystem.
As demand for NFT’s grow amongst the music and arts community, so do the resources and outlets necessary to educate a new generation of users. By creating on-site activations, attendees will experience firsthand how to set up NEAR wallets and best practices to more effectively, confidently and consistently operate on blockchain and within the NEAR ecosystem.
Attendees will receive airdropped tokens to their NEAR wallets that they will be able to use to purchase and mint NFTs at the event and transact within the NEAR ecosystem.
An interactive and immersive LED and digital exhibition will feature popular national and local artists on display and discussing experiences working in blockchain with NFT’s.
IMPACT FOR NEAR: At the forefront of one of the most progressive metropolitans at the intersection of tech and entertainment, we are establishing a blockchain savvy culture in Music City, Nashville, Tennessee. Our U.S. team consists of developers, digital marketing, branding, music industry and event experts dedicated to elevating art, entertainment and maintaining ownership of your intellectual property.
Those in attendance will include GLOBAL MUSIC INDUSTRY DECISION MAKERS.
By curating an unforgettable educational experience for attendees, we are able to capture their attention and imagination in the world of NFT’s and empower established members of the music and arts community to interact within the NEAR ecosystem and encourage already active fanbases to follow them onto the blockchain.
At an expected 100% conversion rate in setting up wallets, our strategic selection of attendees allows us to focus on empowering leading members of the music and entertainment community with the knowledge and ability to continue educating and onboarding their fanbases, many of which number in the tens and hundreds of thousands, and in some instances millions, of active and engaged followers.
Concerted digital marketing campaigns, content and publicity strategies will maximize and perpetuate the reach, visibility and awareness of NEAR, the blockchain ecosystem and opportunities and education to thrive as pioneers in an exponentially growing cultural shift led by blockchain technology.
Moving Forward:
This event will be an intimate and experiential introduction for key members of the music industry as we move into larger scale events. Current discussions for integrating blockchain and NFT activations include the management teams with C3 Presents, the event promoters for Bonnaroo Music Festival, Lollapalooza and other large scale events.
September: Bonnaroo is one of the most visible music festivals in the world and sold out within hours of tickets being released this year. Over 100,000 people are expected to be in attendance daily for the four day festival.
Discussions are moving quickly and Bonnaroo is looking to feature our blockchain and NFT experience on their grounds in the artists lounge as an exclusive activation to mint/educate NFT’s for performing artists and as an immersive digital experience and educational vehicle for general admission attendees. This would lead to a continued working partnership in providing the activation services throughout a multitude of high-profile festivals and events.
Our goal with Minting Music is to bring our ever-expanding network of professional musicians to the blockchain. We want to leverage our experience promoting artists in the legacy digital world to serve them in the new world of blockchain Web 3.0
NEAR “airdrop” for each attendee (5 NEAR each) 500 NEAR
NFT Live Exhibition & Production- ($5,000)
Venue- ($1500)
Videographer- ($1000)
Content/Marketing/Event Coordination- ($4000)
Catering- ($2500)
DJ- ($500)
Miscellaneous Event Set Up: ($500)
Total: $15,000 + 500 NEAR