[APPROVED] MarmaJchan Story Contest


Eli22 ended up DMing their story. There is a Marma J community call today and I plan to discuss with Chloe and Bianca how to set up the submission page. Feel free to message me your story @AugustKinge and I can give you some feedback today. I’m so happy that you’ve written one.

Hoping to have the submission page up this week.


Thanks, @AshleyC

I will reach you with my story soon.


Hey @AshleyC! Thank you so much for your patience and help to develop the submission page and body of lore section for the website. Please see the links below:

Submit Lore
MarmaJchan Lore

More information to follow in tomorrow’s community call (Feb 27)!

cc: @bianca @chloe


My story has been waiting patiently for this announcement. I better get to editing.
Looking forward to reading different entries too.


@chloe could you please help me, I’m having issues submitting my short story.
Uploading: Screenshot_20220309-110010.jpg…

I’m not exactly sure what issue you are having but the submit page is here https://marmaj.org/marmajchan-stories/

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For some reason, I can’t see the screenshot. Are you pasting your story into the text field on the link Chloe posted above?

If you keep experiencing issues, feel free to DM me your story along with your email address so I can get in touch with you :slight_smile:

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Done with sending the story. Took almost a our to create a story that is filled with positivity.
Thanks for the fun activity.
And please give it a read and please share your genuine feedback with me.
I hope you would.:smiley::smiley::smiley::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::heartbeat:

This is my address - chauhankumarsingh2134.near


Thank you for submitting! I’ll be in touch within a day or two with feedback provided to your email address. Glad you enjoyed writing it! <3


Hey Ashley, I think this is a great idea so I wrote a story and I want to submit too. Thank you.


@chloe @AugustKinge @bianca

My name is Larry and my account is larrsfiaskid.near. I recently got story published but can seem to make a headway with the payout proposal because i do not have enough available NEAR to complete the transaction.

Can anyone please help me with this?


Hello everyone
I have written some great stories on how MarmaJ has impacted life


Hi Mimi! So glad you have felt inspired by MarmaJ - feel free to navigate here to read the criteria and submit: https://marmaj.org/marmajchan-stories/

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Thank you Ashley,I will to submit my stories soon

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Hi people,
I have got some stories which positively state how marmaj has impacted to lifes.


Hello, if you join the Marma J telegram group, we’d be able to help you with this. Telegram: Contact @marmajdao

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i am there now @AshleyC

Nice idea Ashley :+1:
I love to submit my marmaj story soon
Thanks for this opportunity

Nice one @ Ashley, I’m happy we keeping the Near community real and enticing enough to welcome new members.

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Is this still on? Can more stories be submitted?

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