hi @marianeu & @reginamintbase @Mintbase
thank you @marianeu for the link so we can submit a new proposal - really appreciated!
BeeTogether has new goals for the rest of the year (until 31.12.2022) that includes mostly bringing Charities to the NEAR Blockhain and Mintbase at the same time.
As you know we have quite a variety of Charities on board by now for which we created stores on Mintbase:
• Save The Clan for AfrikaBurn afrikaburn.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• Save The Clan for AfrikaBurn Music AfrikaBurn Music on Mintbase
• Save The Clan for AfrikaBurn Collectibles AfrikaBurn Collectibles on Mintbase
• Voice of the Oceans Voice of the Oceans (Voz Dos Oceanos) on Mintbase
• Friendly Turtles PFP collection Friendly Turtles
• Uthando Uthando Mzansi on Mintbase
• SAI NGO SAIHELP on Mintbase
• Seas4Life seas4lifetrust.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• We are Walla walla.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• Hope Uganda hopeuganda.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• BeeTogether beetogether.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• KISA Foundation Uganda kisauganda.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
• Last Door Last Door Recovery Society on Mintbase
• Logout logout.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
Our goal is to bring as many charities on board as possible because the mintbase smart contract is a great tool, to offer full transparency to the investors regarding revenue-and-royalty-split.
Therefore we’d like to apply for budget to bring charities onto Mintbase.
Our current financial expenses to onboard a charity are the following
- onboarding and creating a near wallet (1 NEAR)
- deploy a store (6.5 NEAR)
Mintbase earns 2.5% of each transactions in our stores.
Onboarding 1 Charity “costs” us 20-40 working hours (depending on how much the company already knows about cryptos in general, NFTs, etc.). We have usually around 4-5 meetings with different people to onboard and educate them. Sometimes a higher management (board members) need to approve too. Sometimes the onboarding takes 3hours, sometimes 10 meetings, follow-up, presentations, education papaers, email-exchanges or else…
We would like to ask for a funding per charity:
1 charity - 200 USD
2 charities - 400 USD
3 charities - 600 USD
4… etc.
1 charity - 200 USD
2 charities - 400 USD
3 charities - 600 USD
4 …etc.
1 charity - 200 USD
2 charities - 400 USD
3 charities - 600 USD
4 …etc.
NEAR wallet: beetogether_org.near or claudiapeter.near