[APPROVED] CUDO DAO Funding Proposal for SEPTEMBER 2022

Project Name: CUDO DAO

Project Status: [in progress]

Project Accounting: 935N account balance

DAO cudo.sputnik-dao.near

**Instagram Boosting: 35N (waiting for the best strategy)

**Bounty Interpreter (For when needed): 90N

**Script Algo me diz: 24N (waiting for the writer’s request)

**Sound Algo me diz: 19N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)

**Photographers Algo me diz: 24N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)

**Direction Algo me diz: 28N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)

** Direction Retrato Falado: 28N (the fund will be request soon)

** Studio and food Retrato Falado: 36N (the fund will be request soon)

** Sound Retrato Falado: 24N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)

** Translation Retrato Falado:68 N (waiting post production)

** Production Retrato Falado: 24N (the fund will be request soon)

** CubaShots: 126N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)

** MUTI Sessions: 301N (The funds from July and August were added up to shoot both sessions and one day)

DAO: cudo.sputnik-dao.near

Funding Period: September

August Report

Updated Project Timeline:

Second Semester Announcement

Retrato Falado

  • In August we invited 2 more participants. The TV host and digital influencer Monica Fonseca and the president of CUFA MG, Francis Santos. As the August funds were paid only at the end of the month, these interviews will be shooted in september.The 5 most impactful scenes from each episode will be transformed into NFTs and will be available for sale in our Mintbase.
  • The last edition already can be watched on our YouTube Channel.

Algo me Diz

  • Our pilot is scheduled to be filmed in the second half of September.


MUTI Session

  • During the month of July, thanks to the funds delayed, we didn’t record a session. In august, as the funds were paid only at the end of the august, we’ll merge the August and July funds to shoot 4 musics from 2 artists during september. We’re defining the artists together with MUTI.

That explained, follow our strategies for the month of September:

Council Matters:

  • Council work 375 USD * 4 = 1500 USD
    Sub-total = 1500 USD

Support from an English speaker

Bounty to pay a PT-EN speaker to support us on meetings and texts = 100 USD

Subtotal: 100 USD

Specific projects:


  • Fund to support the new episode = 600 USD

Sub-total = 600 USD

Retrato Falado:

  • Direction = 120 USD
  • Video edition = 150 USD
  • Translate = 130 USD
  • Subtitles edition = 100 USD
  • Production = 100 USD
  • Sound = 100 USD
  • Studio Rental and food = 150

Sub-total = 850 USD

MUTI Sessions

  • Fund to support the new sessions = 600 USD

Sub-total = 600 USD


  • fund to support a new edition of the NFT Fair = 250 USD

Sub-total = 250 USD

Metaopoly Game Play & Education (event multi DAO’s at the Arroz):

Coverage the event with:

  • 1 Videomaker = 150 USD
  • 1 Assistant = 150 USD
  • 1 Sound technician = 120 USD
  • 1 Photographer = 200 USD
  • Video editing = 180 USD

Sub-total = 800 USD


Bounty to find a developer to start to draw the first CUDO application.

  • Fund to support a developer that bring us a plan to develop the NEARFLIX APP = 300 USD

Sub-total = 300 USD

Metric for success

Thanks to this proposal we’ll:

  • Onboarding a commercial for our community
  • We expect got 5k views or more in our videos (giving more visibility to the Near Protocol)
  • Collab with 5 new DAO’s
  • Create 10 new NFT’s
  • Sell more than 10 NFT’s during the NFT Fair.

Total asked = 5000 USD (1202N)

Reference: 1N = 4,16 USD

Near price today, chart, market cap & news | CoinGecko 1 5 th Sep 20:08 time Lisbon!

:NOTE: After approval, all payout proposals will be for the N values displayed here; members of the CUDO DAO council and members of the community will have to use this as reference when asking for rewards. Those will be fixed once and if the request is approved by the council of the Creatives DAO. This must be done in order to protect the DAOs funds, otherwise we risk being unable to fulfill our commitments. That also means that members can ask for their payout at any point during the month. Used conversion rate: tba.

All are welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.



Thank you for putting up the proposal. Happy to inform that your proposal has been approved by the Creatives Moderators with some notes:

  • Activities focus on artists & community building
  • Detailed breakdown with reasonable price
  • Clear report
  • Diverse & original activities in projects & well structured

Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts .

Also, feel free to join our Discord Server to Post Your Monthly Reports and Funding Proposals for better organization.

Thank you! :clinking_glasses:


Thank you moderators for this fast review. We’re exciting to keep this job growing.

Here’ll the link for our poll on ASTRO DAO:

