Funds on Astro : $2086 USD
Project/Council Members:
@Hawwal hawwal.near
@cotmusic cotmusic.near
@Sholaspark sholaspark.near
@BennyB blaqkstereo.near
Target: blaqkstereo.sputnik-dao.near
Total Requested Funding Amount: $5000 in DAI
Projects & Timelines:
|No.|Activity|Budget ($)|
| — | — | — | — |
|1.|- Blaqk Stereo youtube music series|977
|2.|- Music production workshop|1013|
|3.|- Battle of the Multiverse|1510|
|4.|- Council work|1500|
|Total|- |5000|
The time estimation may differ but we are very much positive of accomplishing these tasks ahead pending the time of approval from the moderators and the council.
We continue to thank the creatives Dao for their tremendous support in carrying out these activities, We suffered a minor setback last month due to loss of my workstation laptop. The board got damaged from a power surge and cause us about a week delay on some of the tasks of last month. I’ve however managed to get a new laptop and ready roll. We are off to a great start this September and we would appreciate the continuous support from the creatives Dao.
Thank you. cc @creativesdao-council