[Closed] Blaqk Stereo September - October Budget [2023]

Creatives new proposal structure:

Blaqk Stereo proposal July / August -

Project/Council Members:

@Hawwal hawwal.near
@cotmusic cotmusic.near
@Sholaspark sholaspark.near
@BennyB blaqkstereo.near

Target: blaqkstereo.sputnik-dao.near
Total Requested Funding Amount: $5000 in DAI

Project & Timelines:

No. Activity Budget($)
1. - Storytime with Blaqk Stereo (Visit to Ibadan) MIntbase NFT drop 1,500
2. - Influenzeer Bounty contest on Near Social 500
3. -Blaqk Stereo app MVP to be built on Near 1000
4. - Community Incentives for Near BOS interactions trivia 500
5. - council / team 1,500
Total - 5,000


The Link to the full project proposal (In line with the new creatives proposal format) is available via the google link above.

Blaqk Stereo proposal September / October -

We continue to thank the creatives Dao for their tremendous support in carrying out these activities, We are off to a great start this Sept. / Oct. and we would appreciate the continuous support from the creatives Dao.
Thank you. :hugs:
cc @creativesdao-council


The proposal received a score of 8.83 during the evaluation process, while a minimum threshold of 11 points is required for approval. If you would like to gain further insight into the evaluation, including specific comments and feedback, please review the [Report] CREATIVES DAO SEPTEMBER 2023 REPORT.
With that said, I am closing this proposal.