[APPROVED] 3 Months rental of the Bobby's Places Parcel in CV

It is time to get serious!

mutiDAO has rented the CV parcel for some month now and started to get cozy.
We have had several streams in the parcel, set up an NFT gallery & collected some fun wearables (including some fancy wings from Chloe herself!).

In the last event we had 70 visitors attending the event, which was a lot of fun. We will have 4 more streams/parties this month, including a catalogue launch from Incubadora DAO.

Current streaming calendar: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MQKt0qzWNuK5EexUSxEet_IBPEqTD_1NYDwrev2M_0A/edit#gid=0

As we have already received interest for more streams and because it is so much fun to connect through CV, mutiDAO would love to rent the parcel for the upcoming 3 months (December, January & February). For every stream we will adjust the space, change the NFT Gallery & add different content, according to the collaboration.

It would be a huge help for us to know that we could plan with the parcel for a longer period of time. That way we’d be able to also plan our muti.on sessions better for the future, as we would always have a nice place to stream the outcome.

We hope to include even more artists and work together with more DAOs to fill the place with life, love & creativity.

For this 3-months project, if approved, we would like to request 35 MarmaJ tokens to compensate for the work put in to the parcel.

wallet: muticollective.near

We’re looking froward to your decision & in the meantime will do another dance in the CV parcel, because it’s fun :two_hearts:


We will discuss this quickly on the community call tomorrow, but imo it should be fine to continue renting out the parcel to Muti DAO for another 3 months.

15 $marmaj tokens seems like a reasonable amount for the bounty with would help cover Muti DAO working on the parcel for three months.

I have [APPROVED] this proposal in general, but we can continue to work on the specifics for the payment.

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Thank you!

Unfortunately was not able to join your last call due to travels, looking forward to your decision then :slight_smile:

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During the call we discussed that 15 marmaj tokens would be a reasonable bounty for work on the parcel for the three months. It has been great to see Bobby’s Places having so much utilization since MutiDAO has been renting the space. The space also looks great!

Please let us know if this also seems reasonable to you/MutiDAO.

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Hey @chloe,
Thank you!
We used the previous values for orientation. Given that we received 10 MarmaJ for the work on the space previously and we had less streams, we had thought that we would use the same amount for the following 3 months. We are planning on having between 3-5 streams per month, which also including changing the space for every stream.

But we enjoy the space so much and the streaming has become a significant part of our DAO, therefore we’re happy to work with the 15 MarmaJ :slight_smile:


After further discussion amongst the council, we would be willing to increase the amount from 15 → 30 $marmaj tokens for this proposal overall if there was more of a connection with the Marma J Foundation in the proposal.

Would Muti DAO be willing to receive and distribute MarmaJ wearables at its Cryptovovels events?

We have the general wings and two MarmaJchan styles voxel heads.

Collection can be seen here: Marma J Wearables - Cryptovoxels

We would even be willing to provide an additional bonus bounty each month depending on how many people ended up receiving the wearables.

Wearable stats can be found on the wearable plage, here is an example for the wings: Cryptovoxels - Marma J Wings - Matic - Collectible

If you are open to this proposal, it would be 30 $marmaj for the 3 months of working on the parcel + giving out CV wearables. Also, there would be an additional bonus bounty at the end of each month depending on how many wearables were given away :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

We would discuss the bounty amount on the call with the community.



Sorry for the delay! This sounds amazing and we’d love to distribute them. Let us know what would be the best way to proceed and to work out the logistics of it :slight_smile:

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Awesome, imo this proposal is approved now for 30 marmaj for 3 months so feel free to submit the payout proposal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Also, just let me know which Ethereum address you’d like me to send the wearables to :ok_hand:t4:.

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Thank you!

I will send you the eth address from muti :slight_smile:

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Awesome, sent the wearables and some MATIC.

I’m assuming this rental period goes from December 1st to the end of February?

Do you mind adding each explorer transaction here or on the main rental post at the beginning of each month?

Rental post: [Asset Rental] Cryptovoxels Parcel - The Bronx (10 marmaj/mo)

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Yes for sure, will do!

& Yes, December - incl. February would be the rental period :slight_smile:

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Just linking in here the payment for the 3 months (Dec-incl. Feb), we sent 30 MarmaJ tokens


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Hey there :slight_smile:
Will just leave the transaction link for the distributed wearables in here for now & will send a more detailed report at the end of the month :slight_smile:

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Awesome, thanks so much! Great to see that so many wearables are getting out there <3.

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Report for December:
4 streams
24 wearables distributed if I am not mistaken :smiley:

& Hopefully many more in the next 2 months!

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report of January:

4 streams
9 wearables distributed (Metamask had an issue on one of the streams)
number of visitors per stream:

Mr Bubble
Pax 93

Pax 28

Pax 57

Maree Lawn
pax 66

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Hello again,

here is the last report/number of visitors of the rental:

pax 20

Bom Beijo
pax 58

DJ Nebraska
pax 8

pax 32

Unfortunately we have not been able to send out more wearables, as Metamask seemed to have had an issue with matic. Nevertheless we distributed a good amount in the previous month and enjoyed the time streaming in your parcel <3

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Awesome, maybe after these 3 months are over, there can be a collab between marmaj DAO x Muti DAO where the parcel is loaned out for free to support initiatives as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Sounds awesome, looking forward to more collaborations!

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Just getting back to this: anything specific we should do with the remaining wearables or the bounty? I believe there is also some MATIC left; it seemed to have an issue with the matic network in the last 2 months, we have not been able to send anything out.

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