Hi NEAR community!
I would like to be considered for the Marketing DAO Advisor Role. My area of specialization within marketing lies in content production ranging from video, writing, and graphic design with accompanying distribution mechanisms. Equally important to me are driving innovation-driven growth tactics informed by growing communities.
Within marketing, I’m into driving acquisition success through SEO techniques along with subsequent increases measured through optimized conversion rates or retention rates that provide invaluable insight into a product-market fit. Basically, I like looking at how the content performs and if it was actually useful.
I’ve been around NEAR since its mainnet launch. Through co-hosting a dedicated NEAR podcast called Ready Layer One alongside my co-host Joe, I have had numerous opportunities to interact with many individuals and projects around the NEAR Ecosystem. With over 65 episodes under our belts so far, and many more in the future, we have delved deep into discussing various aspects of NEAR’s ecosystem.
Staying up-to-date on emerging best practices remains an essential priority for me. Consequently, I regularly seek out new information about ongoing initiatives geared toward spreading awareness about NEAR. My focus lately is new users and non-crypto natives.
I want to join the Marketing DAO because my expertise lies in the identification of innovative tactics for attracting new users to NEAR.
Here are some highlights of projects on NEAR I’ve been involved in.
Ready Layer One (podcast focused on NEAR) - Ready Layer One • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters
Our Tiktok on NEAR projects - https://tinyurl.com/ReadyLayerOneTikTok
ShardDog (co-founder of the project that’s a web3 marketing tool) - https://shard.dog/
Flex-a-tech (a hackathon for projects to build on Keypom and use Account Abstraction) - https://tinyurl.com/FlexATechTwitter
Hosted a panel at NEARCON 2022 on Refi - NEARCON 2022 | Layer 1 Stage - Day 3 - YouTube
I’m active in NEAR NYC, NDC WG for distribution, and helped kick off NEAR is NOW with this Twitter space.
I like to focus on connecting the dots between projects and marketing strategy. Building awareness campaigns to drive new users through a “marketing funnel/buyers journey.” And I’d like to bring my experience in marketing tech to the NEAR Marketing DAO.