Artist Statement - conte-nos sobre a sua prática artística e intenção poética;
Em meus trabalhos mixo diversas linguagens como forma de experimentar a transdisciplinaridade e a desobediência ao tradicionalismo artístico. Busco recirar objetos sensoriais multidimensionais que mesclam da natureza ao lixo eletrônico, à cerâmica ao bordado e outras combinações que muitas vezes vem acompanhados de obras sonoras e/ou aromáticas. Esses objetos se antropofagizam sendo transformados em cryptoarte, arte regenerativa e audio-visual experimental, buscando humanizar a arte digital e perpetuar saberes tradicionais. Nas minhas criações questiono a hipermodernidade a partir de perspectivas feministas, de identidade e decoloniais.
Sinopse do projeto - de que modo esta bolsa contribuirá para o projeto? Que tipo de trabalho artístico está a pensar concluir com esta bolsa?
Com essa bolsa seria possível dar continuidade à pesquisa em artes sensoriais Odora Lab (vide portfólio/projetos/odoralab/objeto1). Através dos recursos oferecidos poderia comprar os insumos para produzir a vestimenta e a máscara cerâmica com aromas inspirada na mitologia amazônica do pássaro Anu, que também faz analogia à máscara da peste bubônica e imaginativamente é um artefato que nos protege de de tempos pandêmicos. Com essa indumentária, performar e a partir do registro desse material produzir cryptoartes diversas.
Exemplos de trabalhos artísticos recentes ou não - max. 4 obras
Todas obras no portfólio/redes sociais
Artist Statement - tell us about your artistic practice and poetic intent;
In my works I mix several languages as a way to experiment with transdisciplinarity and disobedience to artistic traditionalism. I seek to recreate multidimensional sensorial objects that mix nature, electronic waste, ceramics, embroidery and other combinations that are often accompanied by sound and/or aromatic works. These objects are anthropophagized and transformed into crypto-art, regenerative art and experimental audiovisual, seeking to humanize digital art and perpetuate traditional knowledge. My Creations questions hypermodernity from feminist, identity and decolonial perspectives.
Project synopsis - how will this grant contribute to the project? What kind of artistic work are you planning to complete with this grant?
With this grant it would be possible to continue the research in sensory arts Odora Lab (see portfolio / projects / odoralab / object1). Through the resources offered to buy the inputs to produce the garment and the ceramic mask with scents inspired by the Amazonian mythology of the Anu bird, which also makes analogy to the bubonic plague mask and imaginatively is an artifact that protects us from pandemic times. With this garment, perform and from the register of this material produce various crypto-art.
Examples of recent artworks or not - max. 4 works
All works in portfolio / social networks
Hello @FritzWorm , I am happy to hear that you like my work.
The NFT works that will be produced from the performance material will be minted in a store at mintbase that I intend to open, focused on ceramic art. The Odora Lab project is a transdisciplinary project that is a mix of science, technology, art and ancestry (I can make the material available in English if you want to know more).
I believe it is something very innovative, that can yield several materials, such as texts, videos, and the artistic product. Having the support of the Near community in this artistic research could broaden its possibilities.
I believe that bringing ceramics to virtuality and associating it with new technologies is a way to take it out of the pejorative place of artisanship. Here in Brazil many people do not see ceramics as a medium for contemporary art, for example. I am developing a project after this one to involve other ceramists in the universe of NFT’s, I also saw that the Incubadora DAO is opening funding opportunities for projects, so maybe this is a good opportunity!
Remember always to spread the NEAR opportunities to your customers/visitors, so people can learn about blockchain and take their first steps using the NEAR Wallet.
Thanks again for your application! The selection process was not easy one for us. We used the following evaluation criteria: » Quality of Artwork » Past Experience » Fiting with Incubadora concept »Quality of application »Impact of the Stipend on the artist/project
It was a very hard decision, but unfortunately your application was not selected for this edition.
You are more than welcome to apply again in the next rounds!
Hi @JulianaM thanks for the feedback, I will sign up for the next edition for sure! Who knows with the other proposal, which is already more structured.