1. Name & NEAR Account ID
Elizabeth Ramos - elizabethramos.near
2. Location
3. Social media handle(s)
Instagram @ramoseliza
4. Website/Online Portfolio if applicable
5. Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences
I’m a visual artist and I use different art tecniques such as ceramics, painting, videoart, and others, and I propose artworks that express, explore and question racial themes and gender relations. Ceramic sculptures are the mainly part of my research and artistic immersion in search and rescue of racial identity, as you can see in the work “MANEIO” and in the experimental film “CIZÂNIA” that uses ceramic crafts as a tool to question the condition of women in contemporary (works available on the website).
6. Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences
I’d like to participate with the research “KINI O FE RI?” (“What do you want to see?” in yoruba), building a sculpture series that explores racial identity and miscegenation in brazilian territory from modeling and replicating faces of different pottery compositions.
7. Previous samples of your work - max. 4 pieces (if not already on social media and/or a website or virtual portfolio)
Artwork on the website and Intagram