[APPLICATION] Programa de Bolsas Artísticas - elizabethramos.near

1. Name & NEAR Account ID
Elizabeth Ramos - elizabethramos.near

2. Location

3. Social media handle(s)
Instagram @ramoseliza

4. Website/Online Portfolio if applicable

5. Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences
I’m a visual artist and I use different art tecniques such as ceramics, painting, videoart, and others, and I propose artworks that express, explore and question racial themes and gender relations. Ceramic sculptures are the mainly part of my research and artistic immersion in search and rescue of racial identity, as you can see in the work “MANEIO” and in the experimental film “CIZÂNIA” that uses ceramic crafts as a tool to question the condition of women in contemporary (works available on the website).

6. Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences
I’d like to participate with the research “KINI O FE RI?” (“What do you want to see?” in yoruba), building a sculpture series that explores racial identity and miscegenation in brazilian territory from modeling and replicating faces of different pottery compositions.

7. Previous samples of your work - max. 4 pieces (if not already on social media and/or a website or virtual portfolio)
Artwork on the website and Intagram


Wow! Amazing work, I’m loss of words <3


Ahhhh, thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You know I love your work, I hope expand dialogues with this proposal! Xero

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Hi @elizabethramos , how are you?

The Stipends program jury is very glad to let you know that you’ve been selected for the second edition! :star_struck: :star_struck:

Welcome to Incubadora community!

We will let you know very soon when you can ask your first month payout! :smiley:



Hi Juliana!

Wow I’m very happy to participate in this edition, thank you immensely! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


Olá @elizabethramos tudo bem?

Já podes pedir o payout de 24N na AstroDAO da Incubadora:

Caso não tenha carteira/conta, por favor compartilhe o seu e-mail aqui ou envie um email para incubadoradao@gmail.com para marcarmos uma reunião para que possamos explicar o processo.

Desejamos um maravilhoso primeiro mês!



Hi Ju!
How is everything?

I made the payout on the site, referring to the month of January, but now I’m in doubt if I did it correctly.

Hugs! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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hey @elizabethramos

Actually the value for the month of January is 12N with the fluctuation
1 N = 13,57 euros (03.01.2022)

Please propose it again!

Thank you and Happy New Year!

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Obrigada, Ju!!!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Enviamos um airdrop de 1N pela cedência de imagens para divulgação :smiley: