[Announcement] Blockchain Education by PrimeLab!

PrimeLab is excited to announce its Blockchain Education Program!

PrimeLab is building an Ecosystem of Applications, Utilities, and Infrastructure that will drive mass consumer adoption on the NEAR Blockchain.

We’re empowering both businesses and general consumers with an interest in building their own dApp with the knowledge, tools, and infrastructure they require to make their dApp a reality. Our vast ecosystem will enable anyone to build a NEAR powered application in minutes instead of months, and provide consumers with 200+ “Experiences” worth-sharing built on the Near Protocol. During development, unique challenges arise for each of our applications that require building unique challenges and building never before seen utilities and infrastructure

During development, unique challenges arise for each of our applications that require “out of the box” solutions and the development of new Tools, Utilities, and Infrastructure Frameworks. These solutions are then released as Open Source (MIT License) projects that become available for future BUILDLers on the NEAR Blockchain.

Developers and Business owners have spoken, and we’ve listened. We’ve heard a lot of great things from projects currently building on NEAR. Most of the less-than-favorable feedback we’ve received is that while the Protocol Standards are well documented, Developers and Businesses looking to build on the NEAR Protocol seek more Educational resources that are tailored to their “track” when building on NEAR”.

Applications built on the NEAR ecosystem have development contributions in 9 key areas. When developers and their teams are educated on the 9 “Pillars of Knowledge”, they’re able to decrease development time and build more effective applications, frameworks, utilities, and projects overall on NEAR. The 9 Pillars are high-level by design, but allow curious pupils to “get their feet wet” with the option, but not the requirement to “get into the weeds”.

Our education program will ensure those looking to become BUILDLers on NEAR (& their teams) have the knowledge, resources, and tools to do so.

9 Pillars:

  1. RPC Nodes / Commits - RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a set of protocols and interfaces that the client interacts with on the blockchain system. The user can query blockchain related information (such as block number, transactions, validator status, etc.) and send the transaction request through the RPC interface. We are using publicly available, as well as custom NEAR RPC nodes to communicate with the blockchain system.

  2. Indexer (& ETL) - Blockchains are great at keeping track of information in a reliable and verifiable manner. An “Indexer Node” provides developers, consumers, and Data Teams with a “Window” into the blockchain and becomes a vital “Source of Truth” in many applications. Indexers are improved by adding ETL pipelines that enable you to “detach” from the slow nature of the Blockchain. ETL Pipelines do this by loading and transforming Blockchain data into formats that can be read by humans (The Explorer), understood by complex applications, and used to make business decisions. ETL Pipelines rely on “Schema” and “Transformations” with referential integrity that only have to be defined once. The ETL Pipeline and then processes the Blockchain data, mapping Schema and running Transformations as required. ETL Pipelines can be configured to run “On-demand”, “On-schedule”, or “near-Real-Time”. Once the data is processed, it can be saved into another database for later use or streamed directly into another application for further processing.

    NEAR Indexer is a library included with nearcore that allows you to run a node on the network which listens for targeted information on the blockchain. The NEAR Indexer Framework provides the logic of polling a node for blocks produced in a network then aggregating and streaming these blocks to a listener.

  3. Blockchain Core - NEAR Protocol is a smart contract-capable, public Proof-of-Stake blockchain that aims to act as a community-run cloud computing platform.

  4. Smart Contracts /Business Logic - A smart contract is a piece of code programmed onto a blockchain, which defines the terms of a particular transaction. Upon the receipt of a given trigger or input, the smart contract will execute and perform its assigned tasks.

  5. Cross Chain - Cross-chain technology aims to solve this problem by adding interoperability between different blockchains. It means they will all be able to communicate with each other and share data. The adoption of blockchain technology is largely driven by the underlying capabilities and functionalities.

  6. Account/Browser/Gateway/Wallet - Blockchain wallets follow a similar process using a public key and a private key together. A public key is similar to your email address; you can give it to anyone. When your wallet is generated, a public key is generated, and you can share the public key with anyone in order to receive funds.

  7. Authentication/Signatures/Enforcement - Digital signatures are a fundamental building block in blockchains, used mainly to authenticate transactions. When users submit transactions, they must prove to every node in the system that they are authorized to spend those funds, while preventing other users from spending them. Every node in the network will verify the submitted transaction and check all other nodes’ work to agree on a correct state.

  8. Audits /Security - Auditing Smart Contracts written in RUST to ensure they’re safe and secure and protect the owner & network from vulnerabilities. Reviewing RUST contracts prior to production deployment is vital to maintain the integrity of both the Contract and the Network overall.

  9. DAOs/ Enterprises - A decentralized autonomous organization (“DAO”) is a collectively owned and managed entity with a set of rules written in computer code. They are organized around a set of rules on the blockchain and structured with smart contracts—self-executing codes that automatically enforce the predefined rules.


thanks, i will learn about blockchain