[2021-11-23] Astro DAO Updates

Astro DAO Usage Stats Update (23rd Nov, 2021) (Previous Updates)

Astro Base KPI Metrics
1. MAD - Monthly Active DAOs
2. WAD - Weekly Active DAOs
3. DAD - Daily Active DAOs
#Definition: Active DAO = A DAO, that has at least 1 vote or 1 proposal by anyone in the given time frame.
4. MAU = Monthly Active Users
5. WAU = Weekly Active Users
6. DAU = Daily Active Users
#Definition: Active User = A NEAR Account, that casts at least 1 vote or makes at least 1 proposal in the given time frame.
7. Total DAOs / Week (Ends on Sunday EoW)
8. Total Users / Month (Ends on 30th or 31st)
9. Total Users / Week (Ends on Sunday EoW)
10. Total Users / Month (Ends on 30th or 31st)
#Definition: Total DAOs = Count of all Sputnik v2 DAOs thus far at the end of the week / month.
#Definition: Total Users = Cumulative Count of all UNIQUE NEAR Accounts, who are members of Total DAOs thus far at the end of the week / month.
Derived KPIs (Skip)
1. WoW DAO Growth rate (Week Over Week)
2. MoM DAO Growth rate (Month Over Month)
3. WoW User Growth rate
4. MoM User Growth rate


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Weekly Sputnik Ecosystem Call

Happened on Nov 23 to discuss which open issues and PRs would be in and out for the next smart contract release.

Overall approach to upgrade

Before Upgrade What will be merged/addressed?

Video (still processing at time of publishing):