After a couple of talks, over weeks, with @chloe I’ve decided to write a proposal for a DAO
that is correlated to the set of open-source tools I started for creative coders on NEAR (generative art, ML models, and on-chain art, for now).
I started this as a grant to build the contracts and the front-end for my art projects, but I’ve been adapting it lately to be a point of reference for coders that want to launch an NFT
project on NEAR
, a coding project especially but not only.
I believe this is the way to go long-term, for me to launch my projects and for others to have a set of tools not to start from scratch (or almost).
Some of the goals of this DAO would be:
- Community: Incentive support and live testing projects launched using this repository
- Community: Support implementation ideas and concepts to be integrated and coded
- Community: Reward feedback and bug catches (from small typo to security concerns)
- GitHub: Reward creation of issues or issues solved (from bugfixes to major features)
- GitHub: Reward projects launched using this set of tools
Initially, I would be the only council member but will be looking for someone to support the community and keep an eye on active members to reach out to when things start rolling.
The first step would be to move the funds We’ve been trusted with on the generative-art DAO into curaDAO if @RoganX and @starpause agree (goals of the two DAOs
are similar and this removes burden, for them, of taking care of proposals).
Next, I will create a couple of proposals on curaDAO
for the expired generative-art DAO submissions that have been hanging for a while.
Then I would like to send a proposal for the upcoming metaBUILD hackaton related to a coding challenge in this project.
Lastly, by the end of the month, I will write a Forum post, similar to the Sandbox ones, with the details of the tasks, for September, and will also, where possible, start adding some bounties to the GitHub
issues already.
The goal is also to work with @talktoricardo on a berlinDAO
to start having some gatherings here and organize an in-person October hackathon with this set of tools to hack on and support.
p.s. you can play around with some examples of deployed projects here
p.p.s. Telegram Group