May 2022 - Monthly Report - fra DAO
Project Status : [ in progress ]
Guild : Atelier Techne Studio
Report: Workshop of Audio Recording for NFT with NEAR Hubs audio Expo - May 2022
Project members : @frado frado.near @hiimf hiimf.near @raissalaban raissa.near @Narau narau.near and @Adrianatavares adrianatavares.near
Project Accounting : Creative balance(USN): 900 USN +130 DAI = 1030 USD
In May, fraDAO used at creative projects: $4100 USN
we have this Budget to spend:
1 - Mintbase space storage (April) : 80 DAI
2 - Plugin for site (February): 50 DAI
3- Avatar NEAR hub: 400 USN
4- Graphic Designer for Near Hubs: 500 USN
fradao.sputnik-dao.near / frado.near
project link: [APPROVED] fra-DAO - overview- April 2022 budget
Updated Project Timeline :
- Workshop of Audio Recording for NFT:[PROPOSE] Workshop of Audio Recording for NFT - fra-DAO - MAY -2022 We created all graphics designer, illustrations and PDF of the contents. We are in progress of the workshop inside DISCORD, Telegram chats and video calls, we invited an Indian tribe Fulni-ô to participate the workshop too, they loved the interaction. The artistic assistance is non-stop. Our gallery from mintbase, where the produced NFTs are: techne.mintbase1.near – Minter All artists doing a mint process at Mintbase and PARAS, in this month we’re creating audiovisual NFTs.
- Nearhubs gallery for Workshop of Audio: [PROPOSE] Nearhubs gallery for Workshop of Audio - fra-DAO - MAY -2022 3 We need to finalize the workshop to announcement the exposition, At this moment we choose the architecture of the space, and with @raissa we began the ideas of designer, conceptions and the workflow. About Nearhubs model avatar, we are at conception process.
Highlights :
We are very inspired for this workshop as it takes several artists out of the comfort zone of visual work and shifts the artistic perspective to a new learning universe of sound, giving artists a voice to create podcast and sound art. Many artists have dreamed of audio editing their own work, so it has been a moment of many expectations of sound objectification. They know how to record podcast, makes it much easier to create and disseminate content from the artists talking about the near protocol.
Learnings :
This month I had a chill in my stomach for two weeks. First, when our budget value came in, the value of the near dropped drastically, and I spent a week in front of the computer to make the trade and recover the agreed value perfectly(5000USD). After recovering the entire value of the project, I converted it to USN and transferred it to AstroDAO, both the marketing value and the creative DAO value. To my great surprise, I found out that the transfer from USN, in astroDAO, was not working because we waiting for astroDAO’s version 3. I ended up creating bounty for the community to mobilize to create a custom function on AstroDAO, I interacted a lot in the telegram group learning a lot about smart contract transfers and readings on explore, I was helped a lot by dozens of people in the community. This made me very happy
A list of our onboarding community:
izabellazippinotti.near; bellamoscoso1.near; carolvital.near; adrianatavares.near; itsnotforu.near; daliart.near; toiadmt.near; ninagani.near; nicomarengo.near; xubr.near; geloroxo.near; solanastar.near; viamoras.near; taniabonin.near; mairysarmanho.near; jocaocao.near; marcelacrosman.near; hiimh.near; irmasgelli.near; raissa.near; ifalade256.near; niquinha.near; pbborges.near; katiapolitzer.near; soph.near; rosianedourado.near; julianapadilha.near; dudacoutinho.near; paulaguimaraes.near; agnesbee.near; marinaribas.near; nathalia_p.near; marcellafranca.near; utautz.near; nidacosta.near; alicepereira.near; lagolagoa.near; gabrielacastro.near; gikavereza.near; mnk-lima.near; giorgiaalbertini.near; mari_posa.near; noemi_anana.near; isabelscarlazzari.near; vjrainarosa.near; deniseararipe.near; marcela_berrio.near; itsnotforyou.near; tetesilva.near; cristinafroment.near; rchlls.near; angelabarbour.near; andreabarbour.near; gabila.near; bambolear.near; irinagatsalova.near
Next Steps :
- Organize the contents at website, creating a motion graphic.
- Propose monthly art assistance on digital creations.
- Workshop and onboarding for musicians
- to calmly receive some indigenous artists, always thinking about their cultural and social preservation.
- Create meetings of our community and Twitter AMA’s
- Expand our knowledge and take artists out of the vulnerability zone
- Branding Core Team creation
- Begin to develop our metaverse in nearhub and avatars
- create a 3D team dev.
- with AfroSTAR and @sterryo all ready nearhubs 3D files (glb) was sent! Need only to sent 01 text file contents of the ready Discord channels. We are here to be available in case if you have any questions or need support, all the material can be used by AfroStar.
Here is Our Social Media Accounts.
Instagram: Login • Instagram
facebook: Fradao
Council last round, next month new member using the near rules about, not sit in council during 6 months: