[PROPOSE] Workshop of Music Production for NFT - fra-DAO - June -2022

Hi Creative DAO,

Name: Frado @frado

Account: frado.near

Q2 Council:

frado.near @frado

narau.near @Narau

raissa.near @raissalaban

Timeline requesting: Monthly

Target DAO: fradao.sputnik-dao.near

Value proposal: $2500 USD

2022 Roadmap:

Workshop of Music Production for NFT

We will support our Artistic multigenerational and ethnically community via onboarding system using:

https://near-drop-mainnet.onrender.com/ and

After onboarding, The second step of the workshop is the personal assistance choosing the best way and spot for Recording showing the free apps for Recording in Cell phone, computer, portable Recording or tablets.

Proposal June workshop on music production and creation of NFTs

The June creative proposal, is thought on onboarding metrics, increasing the musical community in the NEAR ecosystem and certifying with quality creating workshop in music production and audio finalization and introducing the beatDAO, VanDAO and Tamago communities to them.

We will be doing the onboarding meeting and workshop about mint music NFT to mintbase and PARAS community with @raissa, follow the link to that proposal.
Musical Production Workshop

Weekly organization:

Every Monday at 7:30 PM we will have a call to go over the contents and answer questions.

Week 01:

Over 6 days, we will introduce you to music production software, all free. We will explain recording techniques, microphoning and music production in the studio. How the production of a song works. The participants will have the freedom to choose their favorite software, we will give some suggestions to the beginners like:

  • Garage Band

  • Audition

  • Audacity

  • Band Lab and on-lines softwares

Value week 01:

Music produce workshop by @frado : $500 USD

Audio software assistance during 4 weeks by @estheriorizada : $300 USD

Week 02:

Over 6 days, we will choose a sound project, creative week, have mentorship and musical direction on the project. We will choose, and pay a total of $200 USD, for some participants of the workshop and will invite to recording some vocals and percussion, and make available for co-authorship in the production and mint process.

That same week, we will start recording the sounds and instruments

Value week 02:

Mentoring, musical direction @frado : $ 500 USD

fraDAO Community Musicians, recording percussion and vocals: $ 200 USD

week 03:

During 06 days we will start the process of editing and choosing timbres. Online assistance with equalization, compression and effects.

We will give an overview of how to get the session ready for mixing and material organization

Value week 03:

workshop edit and mixing: $500 USD

week 04:

This week we will have online help and receipt of materials from participants who are having problems with the mixing, mastering and exporting process, and help to finalize all them, sharing the proccess.

Value week 04:

Workshop, technical and mastering @frado: $500 USD


Due to a voting system we have seen that artists want to empower themselves with music production concepts and tools in their NFT creations within the NEAR blockchain. We will have a dynamic for co-creation recording some percussion and vocal, to be used with other participants and use a split-royalties during the “mint” NFT process, explain about how to split the royalties with an integrates band.


Answering questions about the facilities and positive points of view in the process of minting NFTs using the NEAR blockchain.

The strategy that would be explaining about my 25 years of carries in music production and facilitating the process for the community, passing all tips and tricks and suggestion about recording, edit, music direction, mastering, royalties and create a music for NFT at PARAS and Mintbase marketplace. Will enrich the marketing tools that will always carry the NEAR protocol logo, in all-win propose format, where the artists win, NEAR wins and fraDAO wins.

Our concept is always to “reimagine your world” respecting NEAR’s branding in conjunction with our values and fraDAO’s mission, respecting and never charging any kind of financial value to the artists involved.


Value: $2500 USD

Any doubts or suggestions, we will be available for clarification.

