DAO Name: DAOrecords
Position: Project Manager
Report for the month and year: June 2022
Proposed objectives: [PROPOSAL] Project Manager | DAOrecords | June 2022
Accomplished objectives:
- [Approved] DAOrecords Marketing Campaign | June-22
- [APPROVED] DAOrecords Budget | June 2022
- [Closed] Stickers Pack to DAOrecords Discord & Telegram
- [APPROVED] Payout to the DJs from DJ DAO for the SoundSplash Party | May-22
- Resources preparation for $SPLASH Fundraiser with Meta Yield
- Coordination with Community Partners (NEARNauts, BeatDAO, Metapool, Endlesss)
- Giveaway coordination for SoundSplash Week 5
- Active participation in meetings, AMA, DAOrecords operating chats
- Trello coordination
- Infographics with NEAR Insider coordination
- Blog posts cordination with Adam4Artist Team
NEAR wallet name: crans.near
Hours contributed: 60
Total requested funds: $1500