[Report] Fifth Week: Activities Updates + New Goals

Hi Team
Again here
Greetings to all the NEAReans Community :hugs:

I’m glad to report that we have been working on our two projects within the Near Venezuela Guild

Thanks to the third working week we have now another 38 new members on our telegram group thanks also to Near Venezuela in Valencia (one the largest cities in Venezuela). Take a look below:

Here is the last report from myself as a reply:

The fifth-week report corresponds to the past weeks from 6th Nov to 12th Dec (we have a little delay on our activities because the holidays started to applies some workers and we have to spend more time in organizations, transport, communication, etc).

As a council of the guild, I stated before that I’m delegating tasks to other members of my team, because we believe in our community that is necessary that everyone gets involved in NEAR so we believe in the Work Team. So, I’m deep compromised and working on this with all my heart, energy, and time. That summarizes we are looking and including more people into our guild. People that give value to our community and that will be NEAR you :hugs:

We have 2 main projects that we are working on since the funds were received, and I was aware that it can be both distractive but don’t worry, we are really compromising with everything here so we are clarifying any doubts that may arise. Also, we are here to explain and to spread the word for the understanding of how NEAR supports different projects along with the world. That’s why @Nicolasp2 @FritzWorm @Jloc @Arturoahs and myself will not have any extra compensation/payroll from the work this first month on the near-venezuela Guild.

That’s being said, we will proceed to report the work and activities of our 2 main projects:

Palmeros de Chacao - Link

Web page: www.palmeros.org
DAO: Astro
Social Media: @OgLosPalmeros

The Palmeros de Chacao association and tradition now are getting used to ASTRODAO, so that is amazing that we have a Cultural Human Heritage certified by UNESCO using NEAR Protocol on daily basis. NEAR is near of UNESCO :rocket: So basically, people that don’t know anything about crypto and blockchain are now interested, compromised and commitment to NEAR. In my personal opinion, that’s amazing that people from every level can accept and use crypto on the daily basis, and on a daily basis is NEAR.

As we manage the project to a new member of NEAR, Jonathan Franco detailed us everything in the following report:

  • Friday, December 10, 2021, Jonathan Franco, commissioned by Luis Aponte, attended a meeting scheduled at the headquarters of the La Salle Foundation, with Richard Delgado and Julian Mostacero, representatives of the NGO Palmeros de Chacao.
    In this sense, the words of welcome were given by Richard Delgado, who opened the meeting by explaining his functions within the organization, as well as Julian Mostacero. Subsequently, Jonathan Franco proceeded to conduct an interview with Richard Delgado regarding the organization, its mission, vision, and objectives, which was recorded on video and sent by the organization’s group on the Telegram social network. Once the interview was over, Richard Delgado informed about the activities scheduled for the week of December 10 to 18, 2021; which will be mentioned below:

  • 1st Day of rehabilitation of the fencing and irrigation system of the nursery located in Chacao. (11-12-2021), carried out.

  • 2nd Day of rehabilitation of the nursery located in Chacao (16-12-2021),

  • Rehabilitation and painting of the Avila cross (December 17, 18 and 19, 2021), coordinated by Richard Delgado.

    Following the line of ideas, after finalizing the schedule of activities, Richard Delgado asked Jonathan Franco to coordinate a workshop to introduce the NEAR cryptocurrency, since he expressed his interest in accessing it and increasing his knowledge in the area.
    On Saturday, December 11, 2021, the activity concerning the rehabilitation of the fence and irrigation system of the nursery located in Chacao was carried out by the members of the Palmeros de Chacao. In this regard, a photographic report of the activity carried out and sponsored by NEAR is attached.
    Finally, on December 16, 2021, the second day of cleaning and rehabilitation of the nursery will take place. Citizen Jonathan Franco shall attend the said activity on behalf of NEAR, in order to make the photographic record, interviews to the personnel; with the purpose of stimulating and promoting the social networks of this organization.

What is next?

  • A large delegation is being scheduled for Thursday, December 23, a visit to the Cumaca farm, in which the Megaproject of infrastructure, rehabilitation, and increased conservation of the Palma Bendita and other spices of the Waraira Repano National Park will be developed. . Transport and logistics are being organized.
  • We are negotiating the participation in one of the best TV and broadcast shows in the 1st Broadcast National Channel in Venezuela known as “Globovisión” where we will assist with the Palmeros and the NEAR Venezuela Guild as the representation of NEAR. That should be done but due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we have not finalized yet the negotiations to run out of this important activity. But don’t worry, we will make it

Thanks to @Tibyparedes for the support of this project and the coordination between the guild and the association

Crypto Beer - Link

We are excited about the news of this project, thanks to the organization and manage to @ArianaVictoriaMoreno

As we discussed with the craft brewery houses, we agreed that for the diffusion of new events, the integration of CRYPTOBEER , and the organization of the activities, we created the IG account to facilitate users the news about the Cryptobeer events supported by Near Venezuela Guild since 11th November.

We made an excellent event in another country of Venezuela in the state of Merida. Merida is characterized by its cold weather and as a university city so we took advantage of that and we organized an event there.
CryptoBeer Event Held at the Rosario Cortés Restaurant in the city of Mérida, the band that performed known as “The Agents” played in the event and the craft beer was “Andenes”.
A team of two people was put together, they made their shirts and got ready to open the wallets in Mérida and talk about Near and his experience as NEAR users. The idea is to start holding events outside Caracas in other cities of Venezuela to expand our approach.


  • $80 to the lorepadron.near account that is the Artist and bandleader.

  • The general sound system was $50.

  • Two identified shirts for $ 5 to the tatisan.near account.

    In this event, +10 wallets were opened, the CryptoBeer sales strategy was applied properly, but since the opening hours of the wallets were after 10 pm, there was a problem with the platform and the wallets could not be opened from cell phones. It was decided to put together a communication strategy through social networks so that the opening of the wallets takes place prior to the event. Better for not inconvenience any new customers and apply a better strategy for the opening wallets process.


We will keep you posted with our amazing work and we will be attentive to any kind of doubts

Best Regards

@LuisAponte99 - Council of the NEAR Venezuela Guild
@FritzWorm - Head of the NEAR Venezuela Guild
@Nicolasp2 - Council of the NEAR Venezuela Guild


Simply incredible, there is much that Venezuela is contributing to the NEAR ecosystem! :rocket:


Greetings! My name is Jonathan Franco and I’m currently helping with the management of social network, maintenance, inspection, and photographic registration in everything related to the project for the recovery of the Palmeros de Chacao nurseries.

At this time we have seen the progress and recovery of these spaces and we are already beginning to post on Twitter and soon in the other networks, in order to promote this project sponsored by NEAR.

Regarding the promotion of the networks, I plan to schedule meetings with the management team of Palmeros de Chacao and a new member who will support us with social networks, in order to agree on ideas that will lead us to this ultimate goal, which is to make known the Palmeros projects and NEAR as a promoter. We have planned visits to the nursery located in the Hotel Humboldt and the Hacienda las Ocumitos, where I will also do the photographic record, interviews with the palm trees, and post on all the social networks of the palm trees.

Therefore I’m requesting to continue with this excellent work of $100 corresponding to these two weeks of very fruitful work and support corresponding from December 10 to 17, 2021


Great job Jonathan, glad to have you onboard

Let’s keep working harder :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Good morning! Could you please provide list of these companies?
Thank You.

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@LuisAponte99 @ArianaVictoriaMoreno Hey partners! U forgot to answer here to whendacha.near

I will try by myself but you could help me here.

  • La Fria Venezuela
  • Cheers Factory
  • Lamb
  • Kozaka
  • Social Club
  • ??? Merida City was what brewhouse ?

Also share the links if you have them @ArianaVictoriaMoreno

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol , Lamb beer ? Kozaka :joy::joy::joy: ?

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yeah ! hahaha we use more instagram than webpages here in Venezuela, and yeah the owner of Kozaka is from there from I am not sure but I believe it is one of this 3: Ukraine, Polandm or Belarus.

Kozaka Instagram




El día jueves 23 de diciembre de 2021, el ciudadano Jonathan Franco, asistió a una reunión pautada con el ciudadano Julián Mostacero, coordinador de los Palmeros de Chacao y el ciudadano Frank Cárdenas, Asesor de Marketing y Redes Sociales para los Palmeros.

En ese sentido, se procedió a realizar unabreve explicación por parte de Frank Cárdenas, las ideas correspondientes al plan para el manejo de las Redes Sociales, con el objeto de consolidar el impulso del proyecto auspiciado por NEAR, con respecto a la preservación de la palma bendita. De igual forma, Frank Cárdenas se comprometió a elaborar este plan para el manejo de las Redes Sociales y realizar su envío formal a Jonathan Franco, para su conocimiento y demás fines.

Una vez finalizada la explicación, se pudo conocer por medio de Julian Mostacero que cuenta con un equipo de los Palmeros de Chacao que se encargará de realizar las publicaciones diarias de todas las actividades que ellos lleven a cabo. Asimismo, Jonathan Franco y Frank Cárdenas, estuvieron de acuerdo con pautar una reunión con este equipo para concertar las ideas finales y así poder dar a conocer los trabajos que esta organización realiza con apoyo de NEAR Venezuela.

Por otra parte, Jonathan Franco solicitó a JuliánMostacero, toda la información concerniente al uso de los fondos otorgados por NEAR, a los Palmeros de Chacao, a fin de elaborar una planificación estratégica que permita un mejor desarrollo y cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en el proyecto presentado por los Palmeros de Chacao a NEAR Venezuela, para la recuperación de estos espacios desasistidos. Esto permitirá conocer el estado actual del proyecto y la disponibilidad de fondos; de modo que puedan lograr reorientar sus esfuerzos y trabajar eficientemente.

Sobre este particular, se adjunta un informe explicativo (Ver Anexo I), suministrado por Julián Mostacero, enlace de los Palmeros de Chacao, donde se detalla el uso de los fondos otorgados por NEAR Venezuela. De igual forma, Jonathan Franco acordó con Julián Mostacero una reunión con Richard Delgado y la tesorera de la organización, con el objetivo de elaborar la planificación estratégica y acordar los siguientes pasos para continuar con el desarrollo del proyecto Palmeros de Chacao.


Monto Total otorgado $5000 en criptomoneda NEAR

Creo que el 2021-11-15, fueron retirados de los fondos otorgados un total 2480$ para la compra de:

  • Herramientas para la rehabilitación del vivero

  • Tres (3) teléfonos celulares inteligentes para el Consejo Directivo de la Asociación Palmeros de Chacao

2021-11-16 Aunque los fondos otorgados en DAO fueron estimados originalmente en NEAR para $5000, solo para la siguiente semana y debido a la caída del precio de la criptomoneda quedó en $4423,5 (= 450 NEAR)

2021-11-23 se solicitan fondos para ejecutar la rehabilitación del vivero, la logística para el despliegue del personal y equipo de trabajo, y algunos materiales adicionales.

Primer informe del Plan de manejo de viveros y guardianes de las palmas, gastos generados y recursos adquiridos.

Los primeros gastos generados partieron de un capital de: 2000$ los cuales fueron distribuidos en el transcurso de la semana (16/11/2021 a 20/11/2021) de la siguiente manera:

2021-11-16 se realizó la compra de 3 equipos telefónicos y protectores de pantalla en los mismos se generó un gasto de:

Equipos 476$

Protectores de pantalla 15$

Dando un total: 491$

Al momento de realizar cada una de las antes mencionadas, se tuvo que optar por un sistema de transporte (taxi) el cual nos movilizo las siguientes rutas:

El rosal – Chacao

Chacao – los dos caminos con un tiempo de espera de 45min

Dos caminos – pedregal

No obstante a esto, las mismas generaron un gasto de: 50$

Dando un total por ese día de: 541$

2021-11-17 se realizó la compra de la maquinaria para la poda y desmalezamiento del vivero, los aceites para el motor de la misma esta genero un gasto de:

Maquinaria y aceites: 775$

De igual manera se optó por un sistema de transporte (taxi) el cual nos movilizo la siguiente ruta:

Pedregal – Chapellin

Chapellin – San Bernardino con un tiempo de espera de 30min

San Bernardino – pedregal la misma genero un gasto de 50$

Dando un total de por ese día de: 825$

2021-11-19 se realizó la compra de algunos materiales e instrumentos de agricultura, necesarios para el inicio de la activación del vivero:

Materiales e instrumento: 97$

Materiales e instrumentos: 91$

Al momento de la compra se contrató un sistema de transporte (taxi) el cual nos movilizo por distintas ferreterías:

Pedregal – dos caminos

Dos caminos - san Bernardino

San Bernardino – chapellin

Chapellin – Pedregal con tiempo de espera, esta obtuvo un gasto de 60$

Dando un total por ese día de: 218$

2021-11-20 se realizó la compra de la logística, la cual incluyo un desayuno nutritivo, acompañado de frutas y jugos para los colaboradores (niños) de nuestra comunidad, para activar el despliegue técnico de la recuperación del vivero

Logística (desayunos): 175$

Es mismo día contamos con un sistema de transporte (taxi) para la movilización de cada miembro del consejo, así como para movilizar los niños y personas de nuestra comunidad, que participaron y colaboraron con parte de la recuperación del vivero.

Esto genero un gasto de transporte de 45$

Dando un total por ese día de: 220$

2021-11-22 Este día se generó un gasto de transporte para nuestra colaboradora en video y edición María Victoria Morantes, quien necesitaba llegar a su casa de estudio y trabajo UCV, se le presto el apoyo del transporte (taxi) para que llegara a tiempo para su examen.

Transporte (taxi): 30$

Los gastos varios surgen de las distintas compras, como vasos, agua, hielo, materiales de librería, entre otros

Gastos 15$

Video: Rehabilitación Vivero Los Palmeritos - YouTube

Publicación realizada por Luis Aponte en el foro de NEAR (OWS) el día 2021-12-09

Hello fellow members of the NEAR Community

I’m Luis Aponte, member and council of the Near Venezuela guild, and part of the research team in Sankore 2.0.

Since this project was approved. I have been in charge of the logistic and management of this project regarding my expertise and experience, and I am doing this for Free by now. As I worked with some embassies and consulates within the programs and projects of development and support of this kind of activities, I also give my knowledge in this matter in order to continue contributing to the main objective of the Palmeros de Chacao: A cultural heritage of Humanity by UNESCO project that is: Preserves the cultivation of the Blessed Palm (Palma Bendita)

As the project has its daily basis in Venezuela, I’ll explain briefly how we are guideline the Palmeros with NEAR:

1- The route of the Blessed Palm is within a National Park that is regulated by public authorities and by national legislation. As governments are not the ideal institutions to preserve any crop, the foundation and Association of the Palmeros the Chacao takes care of doing it. In this sense, the necessary tools, and equipment were bought accordingly and as is shown above.

2- For this, the Palmeros and a scientific team led by 3rd man of the IVIC, preserve the cultivation and crop for the Blessed Palm, and find a nice location within a farm that are specially designed to preserve the Blessed Palm and to be productive, sustainable and green-friendly for further activities. We give the information needed to present the pillars of the project to the European Union Embassy in Venezuela and in talks directly with the Embassy of France in Venezuela, Mr. Nadal.

3- The importance of this and the significant support of NEAR in this type is the inclusion of new members, no matter what they are and within public authorities to the blockchain world, web3, and the awesome crypto NEAR We had 3 meetings with the team in order to understand everything related to the NEAR community, NEAR protocol and his products.

4- We are studying with members of the Chacao City Hall, president, and directors of the Research Institute of Science and Agronomy of the University Simon Bolivar and member of the Chamber of Commerce of Iberoamerica the role that cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and NEAR are taking of this project that is so much important for the history, culture, religion, and society of Venezuela and even the world, as the Palmeros is a tradition of the Patrimony of UNESCO. How do we do it? Welcome them to the NEAR community, explain to them how it works, and giving the necessary tools to begin working with the Near Venezuela Guild, OWS, and different associations of the NEAR world.


1.​Events inside exhibitions and important centers of entertainment promoting NEAR and his support of the Palmeros Chacao in the Preservation of the Blessed Palm (more awesome than that, I don’t think so)

2.​Supervision and surveillance of the Vivarium Humboldt in Chacao

3.​Registration of new users and provision of equipment and instruments necessary to enter the NEAR community

4.​Videoclip of the Rehabilitation of the Vivarium “Palmeritos” (In this sense, we have improved the quality of the audio and implemented subtitles in different languages on the screen. However, we have an issue with the logging of the Youtube account that must be fixed asap)

5.​Joint meeting, from today the multidisciplinary team of social networks of Palmeros de Chacao is activated for its direction, dissemination, and control. From the Central University Of Venezuela in the Botanical Garden. Check here.

6.​Invitation of different public and private entities such as the Foundation of the Portuguese Institute of Culture in which businessmen, companies, scholars, and other personalities met, they learned about the support of NEAR towards the project of the Palmeros and the application of NEAR, their community and its great importance within the relationship of the cultural and economic world

What should be improved?

1- Social Media

2- Marketing Strategy towards the project with others entities.

3- Find a solution asap regarding the implementation of the tasks related that was postponed due to weather conditions.

What was improved?

1- First touch with the public authorities

2- IT issues within the team.

3- The Test of Recultivation of the Blessed Palms in other zones and geographies of Caracas (Venezuela) and Miranda (Venezuela)

4- Solid Team and more Volunteers.

What is next?

For my part, as a part of the council of the Near Venezuela Guild, we will focus on the negotiations, implementations, designing and evaluation of the project in the programs that EU, UNESCO, UN, OAS, IMPARQUES, Culture Ministry of Venezuela, and other entities and organizations that look for a green, non-contaminable, carbon-neutral that cares about the environment and the future of humanity’s cultural heritage.


NEAR, Near Venezuela Guild, and The Palmeros of Chacao are right next to it. We care about the future and we care about the environment that only means one thing. NEAR is with you

For anything related to the project, any questions or doubt, or you just may know what all is about, just let us know and we gladly jump in a call with you in order to explain and communicate what are we doing here.

Best Regards

Luis Aponte

Segundo Informe del Plan de manejo de viveros y guardianes de las palmas

Informe correspondiente de los gastos generados para el período indicado, incluyendo recursos adquiridos, partiendo de un capital de: 1500$ los cuales fueron distribuidos en el transcurso de la semana (26/11/2021 a 12/12/2021) de la siguiente manera:

2021-11-26 se realizó la compra de 20 camisas impresa con el logo del proyecto los mismos se generó un gasto de: Camisas 110$

2021-11-27 se realizó el 3er despliegue, asegurando el desayuno de cada integrante del mismo este género un gasto de: Desayunos: 210$

2021-11-28 se realizó un traslado a los Palmero de Chacao al centro comercial la trinidad, que por error de ellos el evento no era ahí, si no en el centro comercial paseo el hatillo, en donde participaron en la expo dos ventas, en el marco de su 36º aniversario del instituto portugués de cultura, el mismo género un gasto de:

Centro comercial la trinidad: 50$

Centro comercial paseo el hatillo: 20 $

El transporte ese día los llevo y los trajo de vuelta a la sede de los palmeros que misma queda en Chacao en el sector del pedregal

Dando un total por ese día de: 70$

2021-12-02 se realizó la compra de materiales que aun, hacían falta para la culminación y restauración del vivero:

Materiales de ferretería y pintura: 120$

Compra de Carrucha: 120$

Compra de bolsas para siembra: 210$

Ese día se generó un gasto de un total de: 260$

2021-12-04 Este día se generó el 4to despliegue, asegurando un buen desayuno nutritivo, para todos aquellos que nos colaboran con este proyecto.

Desayunos logística: 40$

2021-12-11 Este día se realizó, la compra de 20 franelas más ya que las mismas no alcanzaban para el equipo de trabajo, que realizan la labor del vivero.

Camisas: 110$

Este día se realizó el 5to despliegue, de jornada de recuperación, como siempre se garantizó una logísticas de desayunos nutritivos para los mismos.

Desayunos: 105$

Transporte para los materiales a utilizar para el despliegue, y para el traslado de los niños hasta el vivero

Trasporte (taxi): 20$

Generando un total de gasto de ese día de: 125$

Se procedió a dar un aporte como reconocimiento de su trabajo los siguientes integrantes.

Erick Blanco cortador y podador de árboles: 100$

Gerardo Santana ayudante del cortador: 50$

María Castillo coordinadora de los palmeritos: 50$

Richard Delgado: 50$

Los gastos varios surgen de las distintas compras, como vasos, agua, hielo, materiales de librería, entre otros. Gastos 20$

Último Informe del Plan de manejo de viveros y guardianes de las palmas

Compartido por Telegram 2021-12-18

Se requiere de $1500 para gastos de reparación y reconstrucción total de tanque de agua y compostero, sistema de riego, bomba de agua, tubería de cerca y mano de obra de la reparación.


24 metros de cerca para placa

70 bolsas de arenas

7 sacos de cementos

3 kilos de clavos

32 metros de madera

Para la reconstrucción de los tanques de agua y compostero se realizaran 2 columnas y viga corona, con friso y piso del mismo

Se necesita un sistema de riego

Bomba de agua

4 Potes de pintura cerca y de tanque

Manguera de 50 mts

1 rodillo

4 brochas

Ayudando con la gestión, de rehabilitación, mantenimiento y restauración del proyecto plan de manejo de vivero, esta propuesta ya se encuentra en un 80% de su ejecución

En realidad se requiere un total de $2200 para el pago de todos estos suministros y servicios, pero se está solicitando lo que resta de la asignación financiera al proyecto.

Agradecemos a NEAR VENEZUELA, lo que ha hecho por nosotros y esperando nos ayuden a cubrir este déficit que queda

CRONOGRAMA de actividades para las próximas semanas hasta finales de enero 2022

Compartido por Telegram 2021-12-18

-28 Dic día de santos inocentes en homenaje a su conmemoración en el estado Miranda por parte de los Palmeros

-06 enero 2022 Día de Reyes con la siembra de plantas emblemáticas del municipio Chacao

-10 al 16 enero, Activación de la ruta turística de los Palmeros de Chacao siguiendo la ruta de Alexander von Humboldt y Aimé Bonpland

-17 al 23 de enero, Activación de la ruta turística la Vuelta al Humboldt a 2000 m s.n.m. en el Ávila

  • 24 al 30 enero, Viaje y mantenimiento a la Cruz de los Palmeros en el Pico Oriental

Documento en línea disponible en:[Approved] Palmeros de Chacao a Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


¡Saludos! Mi nombre es Jonathan Franco y actualmente estoy ayudando con la gestión del proyecto Palmeros de Chacao, auspiciado por NEAR y, a su vez contribuyo con el manejo de redes sociales, a fin de lograr su impulso, tomando el registro fotográfico referente al mantenimiento, inspección y registro que consta del uso adecuado de estos recursos destinados para la recuperación de los viveros bajo el cargo de los Palmeros de Chacao.

En este momento hemos visto el progreso y recuperación de estos espacios y ya estamos comenzando a publicar en Twitter y próximamente en las demás redes, con el fin de promocionar este proyecto patrocinado por NEAR.

En cuanto a la promoción de las redes, se mantienen reuniones con un asesor de marketing, reuniones con el equipo directivo de Palmeros de Chacao y un equipo de palmeros, que nos apoyará con las redes sociales, para consensuar ideas que nos lleven a este fin último que es dar a conocer los proyectos Palmeros y NEAR como promotor. Aún se mantiene en agenda, visitas al vivero ubicado en el Hotel Humboldt y la Hacienda las Ocumitos, donde también haré el registro fotográfico, entrevistas con los palmeros, y publicación en todas las redes sociales de los palmeros.

Por lo tanto solicito continuar con este excelente trabajo de $100 correspondientes a estas dos semanas de muy fructífero trabajo y apoyo correspondientes del 03 al 10 de enero de 2022


Approved, ask for this on the NEAR VENEZUELA DAO on ASTRODAO.COM

1 NEAR = $14,5 USD

Share the link to your dao proposal on our Discord Server

Thanks for your contribution, sadly the Palmeros de Chacao project will be on hold until they solve some internal issues, we will be waiting for further collaboration, please ask @LuisAponte99 how you can join another initiative. A big hug partner, cheers :beers: