Heyyy !!! Happy Christmas for you all dear NEAReans, and CRYPTO BEER fans :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :beers:

Evento 1 Crypto beer

Some pics =)

Original post from Ariana (ES)

Buenas tardes, equipo Near.

En éste reporte queremos brindarles un resumen de la actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos de un mes de trabajo intenso con una serie de eventos Cryptobeer, dónde impulsamos la promoción de Near en Venezuela a través de las redes sociales y diseñamos una estrategia de fondeo para lograr la apertura de billeteras Near.

Los resultados fueron los siguientos:

Obtuvimos un total de 2 wallets de locales comerciales: 1. caferacerar.near 2. rosariocortes.near y un total hasta ahora de 94 wallets entre artistas y público en general.

  1. apradoc.near 2. escalonatm.near 3. jesymarcano.near 4. valeriacorreale.near 5. angie.near 6. porti.near 7. delorean.near 8. margarita.near 9. alejo0027.near 10. bl774rd.near 11. juancarlos.near 12. davidrivero.near 13. willys.near 14. luisgerardomoreno.near 15. gabodirector4.near 16. germon.near 17. ginnymiranda.near 18. minijazz.near 19. maverck.near 20. adalbertodrums.near 21. armandosis.near 22. estefaniasen.near 23. guacamaya.near 24. jancar.near 25. marian_avp.near 26. eylim83.near 27. elgordoluisi.near 28. jesmobass.near 29. eliany.near 30. joasequera14.near 31. karina67.near 32. anyo.near moraima.near 33. blancalinares.near 34. jhong12.near 35. andreaagc2011.near 36. juanacgonzalezv.near 37. lagabyhd.near 38. hoogler.near 39. mangeltxd.near 40. dannielys.near 41. sofiah.near 42. alejandro84near.near 43. premmlin_bass.near 44. avamlike.near 45. josephinedco.near 46. enriqueg.near 47. gmile31.near 48. dianacarolina04.near 49. cotidiana.near 50. adrileon.near 51. bashfreeman.near 52. manuabreu.near 53. letras 54. letras 55. letras 56. letras 57.letras 58. armandosis.near 59. stuard.near 60. alexju.near 61. jacqui.near 62. eilynf.near 63. arayz.near 64. tuspaciotec.near 65. dadeabreu.near 66. tefie_franco.near 67. yind.near 68 andynovanout.near 69. yerimoth.near 70. Johansimanca.near 71. Franklinromero.near 72. Albanyher.near 73.Alfredonetworks.near 74.Randybarrios.near 75. Eliaslugo.near. 76. jpcdel 77. ordomon1.near 78. soluz83.near 79. alvarj.near 80.nicoleadames.near 81. normatorres.near 82. lorepadron.near 83. tatisan.near 84. rousvilarreal.near 85. juancarlos-m.near 86. juanma1796.near 87. alvarc83.near 88.valentinaynos.near 89. giobass17.near 90. luisjrock.near 91. nimlin.near

Total de asistentes a nuestros eventos 606 personas aproximadamente
Total de publicaciones en Redes Sociales 56 publicaciones
Total de Visualizaciones en Redes Sociales 48.053 vistas en nuestras publicaciones

Total Producción General. 330$ arianavictoriamoreno.near

Hey Team !!! Here we are, happy to share with you our Crypto Beer adventure

In this report we want to provide you with a summary of the activities carried out and the results obtained from a month of intense work with a series of Cryptobeer events, where we promote Near in Venezuela through social networks and we design a funding strategy to achieve the opening of new NEAR wallets while the new users enjoyed the experience of paying a beer with their NEAR wallet.

Every event is shared on the original post of the project:

We received $5000 for this project and we still have $1600 for the next 2 events, stay tunned.

  1. BOD 2nd Pilot
  2. Cheers Factory
  3. La Fria
  4. Cheers Factory 2
  5. Rosio Cortes
  6. LD Fest
  7. Valencia
  8. La Fria 2
  9. Pending
  10. Pending



  1. caferacerar.near
  2. rosariocortes.near
  3. cfbrewhouse.near
  4. arianavictoriamoreno.near (La Fria)
100+ New Wallets / Users
  1. apradoc.near
  2. escalonatm.near
  3. jesymarcano.near
  4. valeriacorreale.near
  5. angie.near
  6. porti.near
  7. delorean.near
  8. margarita.near
  9. alejo0027.near
  10. bl774rd.near
  11. juancarlos.near
  12. davidrivero.near
  13. willys.near
  14. luisgerardomoreno.near
  15. gabodirector4.near
  16. germon.near
  17. ginnymiranda.near
  18. minijazz.near
  19. maverck.near
  20. adalbertodrums.near
  21. armandosis.near
  22. estefaniasen.near
  23. guacamaya.near
  24. jancar.near
  25. marian_avp.near
  26. eylim83.near
  27. elgordoluisi.near
  28. jesmobass.near
  29. eliany.near
  30. joasequera14.near
  31. karina67.near
  32. anyo.near
  33. blancalinares.near
  34. jhong12.near
  35. andreaagc2011.near
  36. juanacgonzalezv.near
  37. lagabyhd.near
  38. hoogler.near
  39. mangeltxd.near
  40. dannielys.near
  41. sofiah.near
  42. alejandro84near.near
  43. premmlin_bass.near
  44. avamlike.near
  45. josephinedco.near
  46. enriqueg.near
  47. gmile31.near
  48. dianacarolina04.near
  49. cotidiana.near
  50. adrileon.near
  51. bashfreeman.near
  52. manuabreu.near
  53. a843b…1c57243ae1
  54. fdb26…af1b1cf573
  55. e6d14…bd40f96f11
  56. 58506e723ecb6b97d47beaa74343c17820f4dbaae7bd6a5e6a1eb1d15224a800
  57. 24a1535da1e6b5572568489219d6b956962624c583ff20c4b894d292e42d5c09
  58. armandosis.near
  59. stuard.near
  60. alexju.near
  61. jacqui.near
  62. eilynf.near
  63. arayz.near
  64. tuspaciotec.near
  65. dadeabreu.near
  66. tefie_franco.near
  67. yind.near
  68. andynovanout.near
  69. yerimoth.near
  70. Johansimanca.near
  71. Franklinromero.near
  72. Albanyher.near
  73. Alfredonetworks.near
  74. Randybarrios.near
  75. Eliaslugo.near.
  76. jpcdel.near
  77. ordomon1.near
  78. soluz83.near
  79. alvarj.near
  80. nicoleadames.near
  81. normatorres.near
  82. lorepadron.near
  83. tatisan.near
  84. rousvilarreal.near
  85. juancarlos-m.near
  86. juanma1796.near
  87. alvarc83.near
  88. valentinaynos.near
  89. giobass17.near
  90. luisjrock.near
  91. nimlin.near
  92. rouse.near
  93. moraima.near
  94. fernandakitsune.near
  95. nicoleadames.near
  96. 1cf4e004e9834fdf6008e8e22d751c3eacfa46ec43e01102cb3712307bef1a35
  97. 0186e352e70511ca4b3ff17302b26950d00aae982c416f2efaf2a07bfb974943
  98. 0c8c1059ccfabe990fe7a3d4e23e1202dd212b2518e2d8e5086f355c026236a4
  99. manumorenov.near
  100. esnelson1.near
  101. juanma1796.near
  102. giobass17.near

Other wallets opened by near-venezuela with other iniciatives

We are far from our expectations regarding the assistance and social network interaction, we understand we need a new member, a professional on the social network marketing arena with crypto experience so finally we onboard in the crypto beer ship @Mineriavirtual for further event promotions.

Assistance 840
Publications on Social Networks 56 publicaciones
Views 48.053

Event Production Reward Claim: 330$ to arianavictoriamoreno.near (DONE :white_check_mark: )

We are happy that a lot of new people enjoyed the NEAR experience :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cheers :beers:


Hello Ariana, I will edit this post, translating it from english, adding tags, uploading with @Arturoahs and BOD events of the Crypto Beer

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Thanks guys for great transparent report - first in Marketing DAO history. Great results. I really appreciate it.

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