We had 3 winners from the Song Challenge we did last month and now we want to give the original VanCHAN NFT creators the chance to remix their work into a Cover Art for the future release of the 3 songs we selected!
Each artist will be rewarded $100 in DAI upon submission of their remix for the cover art and they are encouraged to get feedback and thoughts from the musicians!
You’ve all been added as members to the VanDAO. Now it’s time to submit you payout proposal.
Go to https://app.astrodao.com/dao/vandao.sputnik-dao.near
Click the Green + symbol
Choose Propose A Transfer
Write in description field “For VanCHAN Cover Art Remix” and your name
Take the URL of this forum post and copy/paste it into the “link” area
Write 100 and choose DAI as payout currency
Put your Near Wallet as the “Target” and click Propose!
Thanks, I’m not sure what is going on with Astro at the moment, but on the group proposal policy it says “members” are able to create proposals. I’m also having a few other problems with doing things on the DAO right now, so maybe it’s on their end. Am trying to fix it.