Proponent: Mayra Mendes
Project Status: Completed
NEAR account for payment:
Objective: To realize two chats. One with Pacha Pinta and the other with Severa Paraguaçu
Project realization:
The two chats were held as lives on Instagram and promoted great engagement with the community. They were the first events of this kind held by FEMINU DAO.
In the promotion of the first live with the indigenous artists @PachaPinta and Miguela Guarany, two Reels together reached almost 3300 accounts, and the live was attended by 56 people and the live post reached 170 accounts.
First Live Flyer:
The second live with Severa Paraguaçu, talking about anti-capacitism also had a large presence; 51 people attended and the live post reached 89 accounts.
Second Live Flyer:
Ghini’s artwork NFT was sent to flygoa.near and blua_discordia.near for watching the whole chat, with Pacha Pinta and Severa Paraguaçu, respectively.
Observation: The artist Pacha Pinta split her incentive with her colleague Miguela Guarany who also participated in the chat.