[Proposal] Music NFT Workshops - Malaysia

Music NFT Workshops - Malaysia

This post outlines two workshops being conducted on ground in Malaysia during the month of June focusing on Music NFTs for beginner audiences.

Workshop #1

13th June 2022
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
1hr Music NFT Primer

Workshop #2

26th June 2022
Langkawi, Malaysia
1hr Music NFT Primer


Each workshop will contain the following elements & outline and will be hosted by Vandal:

  1. What Is An NFT (5 min)
  2. Why Music NFTs Are Important (5 min)
  3. An Example Of A Music NFT (10 min)
  4. The Music NFT Ecosystem (10 min)
  5. Music NFT Demo Creation (15 min)
  6. Q&A (15 min)

There will be 20 NearDrops of 0.25 N for each workshop to give to those who sign up early.

Budget Breakdown

  • Workshop Facilitation @ $100 x 2 = $200
  • NearDrops = 10 N