[PROPOSAL] Crossroads - a Spiritual DAO weekly event

Spiritual DAO project Crossroads

(an weekly event)


The meaning of this project is:

  • Engage the NEAR community in activities into it

  • Network between members an DAOs

  • Chat about spirituality

  • Show the Spiritual DAO content

This include:

  • Selection of a theme

  • A rent in a parcel for the month

  • Decoration of the parcel within the selected theme

  • Propagation of the event in social media, plus calling members of the community

  • Realization of the event with a schedule (welcoming; show the weekly podcast; dj and networking; announce of the prize)

  • Announcement of the winners prize of the week (see full march proposal to understand the prize)

We loved the February event of Spiritual. We loved so much that we want to do it weekly with some improvements. For that we need the following resources

  • We need a base. For now we can use a borrowed one - free

  • Creation of art to spreed the event on our social medias 20$/week - 80$/month

  • Creation of the parcel structure and decoration under the month theme - 500$/month

  • Hire a DJ for 1 hour in each event (50$/hour) - 200$/month

Subtotal: 780 $


[REPORT] Crossroad Spiritual DAO events - March 2022

project participants
In this project we have the participation of

  • @gushlewis with the building and decoration of the 3 firsts events
  • @thephilosopher with the rent of the parcel and decoration of the last event
  • @beetlejuice with the arts for social media
  • the following DJ to the events: manutegus.near; kintamani.near; techdir.near; oleg_espo.near

Project Status Completed

Project Accounting
We use the extra cash we already have in the treasure to pay the rant for the parcel

What we have accomplished in March
We did 4 events to present the correspondent podcast and winners of the bounty.
In the image bellow you can see the numbers of guests at the events.

Here is some photos of the events

Was vary interesting the excitement of people to have the Karma podcast first run and the winners reveal at the events, making the community very happy.

We noticed that our divulgation need to be intense at the day before the event.
We realize that we need to use more than one timezone on our social media arts to prevent any confusion.

Next Steps
We will do the others events being that 2 of them in the morning and 2 at night to reach more people at different countries.