We want to clarify for a wider audience how Web3 and also the Near Protocol work. In the previous months we noticed that many people (especially philosophers) were completely unaware of how Web3 works, so we consider it extremely important to develop a course in Portuguese that can be made available on The Philosophers DAO YouTube Channel so that we can recommend it to all those who want to contribute or join the NEAR ecosystem.
Facilitate the growth of the NEAR ecosystem, especially for Portuguese-speakers, through an in-depth course with good didactics on how Web3 and the NEAR Protocol work. The course will last six hours in four meetings of one and a half hours. The videos will be available on our YouTube channel and on our website. The lecturer will be the PhD. Jônadas Techio (expert in risk analysis and security of blockchains).
Week1: Set schedule, contact the speaker, make social media art
Week2: Share and invite public
Week3: upload, mint and share
Week4: upload, mint, share and report.
Probably dates of the classes
1st classe July 18
2nd Seminar July 19
3rd Seminar July 25
4th Seminar July 26
Subtotal: 500USD
Project Accounting:
The course was offered in 4 installments of aprox. 1h30min each, totalizing 6h, live via StreamYard with streaming on Youtube, Facebook an Twitter. The course was taught by me, Jônadas Techio, and I received 400 usd in dai for it. Adriane Mobbs helped with production and setting things up, and she received 100 usd in dai for the work.
Updated Project Timeline:
The project was completed in the appropriate time, with the following schedule of lectures:
Highlights and Final Products:
4 videos were produced and are now available on Youtube (links above), totalling 288 at the moment of writing this report, plus 1077 views on Facebook.
5 NFTs were minted for each lecture on Mintbase, as listed below
Lecture 1: Introdução Filosófica à Blockchain #Aula1 on Mintbase
Lecture 2: Uma Introdução Filosófica à Blockchain #Aula2 on Mintbase
Lecture 3: Uma Introdução Filosófica à Blockchain #Aula3 on Mintbase
Lecture 4: Processing
The project was a little more technical compared to other lectures, so the public interacted less than usual. But we got a good number of views relatively to other projetcs, and hopefully those will continue to increase now that we have marketing budget. Also, many parts of the videos can be transformed in shorther pieces with specific lessons (such as how to set up a wallet) that can ne quite handy for future members of the DAO and the public in general.