[Proposal] Antimétodo 4


Objective: Continuity to the proposal executed last 3 months, of teaching art, theory and technique classes, though Zoom Meeting classes streamed on Youtube. Four Professors will propose remote learning experiences, in 2-hour meetings. The meetings will be mediated by @pinkalsky streamed on Nomade Label Youtube channel.

Justification (benefits):

Antimétodo is a series of online workshops with Brazilian artists from different backgrounds. Held in Portuguese, to bring the Portuguese-speaking public, which does not necessarily participate in the near ecosystem, but also presents an internal educational proposal within the community of Brazilian artists. Last month, the second edition was held, with the participation of four teachers. Building a culture is the basis of all financial, social, or spiritual development.No matter how useful art is, it serves no one, cause it is itself. But all knowledge and all sectors of human life in community depend on the ability of art to dream the impossible. Supporting the continuity of this deconstructive education project, Gambiarra DAO benefits from this support by winning to its legacy, the record of this moment of exchanges, such as NFTs, and videos on its Youtube channel, as well as enabling synchronous meetings, through meetings via ZOOM. This Zoom account year signature earned from the past proposal, makes the actual proposal possible to have four artists with the same budget.

Project Timeline: May 11 th – june 01st 2022

for this month I have already invited Otavio Donasci to present a Antimetodo, and some other artisits have already shown interest :smiley:

The next 3 artists will be chosen by comments made here and is open for all Nomade Label, Feminu and Gambiarra Dao, the parameters include racial and gender balance, and this will be the method for the future.
the first invited artist is Otavio Donasci on 11/05 20h

for the 3 artists that will be on Antimétodo on the next weeks we ask a short bio and description of the content that they will share on the class, and after the selection we will ask for a picture and a short selfie video (1min max) in order to share on social media.


Project coordenation - 100.0 USD - tagget - pinkalskyy.near

4 Teachers - 100.0 USD - 400.0 USD (N)

Total - 500.0USD


it’s amazing to know that this project will be continued. the Antimétodo classes are very incredible, they approach diverse themes and open many possibilities for creation and learning inside and outside the ecosystem! besides revealing the power of these groups of artists, such as Gambiarra, Feminu, and Nomade Label.
thanks, @pinkalsky for this proposal


A bounty vai ser aberta ainda?


só propor <3 aqui mesmo :smiley:


Hello Nomads! dry my proposal for Antimethod 4, thanks.

[PROPOSAL] Antimethod 4
COMUNA COLAPSA “Virtual interface for artistic integration”
Bidder: daniel_carrera.near
Teacher: Daniel Carrera - 100.0usd

The main objective of COMUNA COLAPSA is to generate juxtapositions between languages ​​and artistic manifestations and encourage the exchange between members of the ecosystem through a virtual live streaming meeting, thus providing meetings and artistic exchange in this experience between artists from different trajectories and styles.

About the project:
COMUNA COLAPSA was created in the pandemic period of confinement with the curatorship of Improvise with the realization of 15 meetings integrating more than 100 artists from Brazil and the world in the exchange.
Improvisers, performers, dancers and visual artists participated in these practices, frequent at SPIO – São Paulo Impro Orquestra in São Paulo and, as it is a virtual practice, it allowed the participation of guest artists from states such as Bahia, Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, USA and Denmark.

Abouth the method:
The practice has a series of modes of improvisation, each with its own guidelines and arise from interactions and relationships between artists with the guidance of a prompter, each version of the game is unique and can contain artists from any discipline and manifestation, always being a collective and unique creation.
COMUNA COLAPSA is essentially open in nature and despite having a prompter that gives inputs, outputs and indicates the way, all commands concern the way participants interact with each other, leaving the content of the material entirely up to the artists. In other words, there are no guidelines such as notes, modes, harmonies, rhythms, tempos, etc. from the prompter the outcome of the play.
The game was inspired by John Zorn’s Cobra driving method and Butch Morris’s Driving method and in the process adaptations and new guidelines were created together with the participants.


O objetivo principal da COMUNA COLAPSA é de gerar justaposições entre linguagens e manifestações artísticas e incentivar a troca entre os membros do ecossistema através de um encontro virtual live streaming, proporcionando assim os encontros e a troca artística nessa vivência entre artistas de diferentes trajetórias e estilos.

Sobre o Projeto:
A COMUNA COLAPSA foi criada no período pandêmico de confinamento com a curadoria do Improvise com a realização de 15 encontros integrando na troca mais de 100 artistas do rasil e do mundo.
Participaram dessas práticas improvisadores, performers , bailarinas e artistas visuais, frequentes na SPIO – São Paulo Impro Orquestra em São Paulo e por se tratar de uma prática virtual possibilitou a participação de artistas convidados de estados como Bahia, Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Paraná, Perú, Argentina, México, EUA e Dinamarca.

Sobre o Método
A prática possui uma série de modos de improvisação, cada qual com suas próprias diretrizes e surge de interações e relações entre os artistas com o norteio de um prompter, cada versão do jogo é única e pode conter artistas de qualquer disciplina e manifestação sendo sempre uma criação coletiva e única.
O COMUNA COLAPSA é de uma natureza essencialmente aberta e apesar de ter um prompter que dá entradas, saídas e indica o caminho, todos comandos dizem respeito à forma como os participantes interagem entre si, ficando o conteúdo do material inteiramente por conta dos artistas . Em outras palavras, não há diretrizes como notas, modos, harmonias, ritmos, andamentos etc., embora a escolha dos comandos não esteja virtualmente ao alcance de todos, cada participante tem a possibilidade de intervir na composição

COMUNA com artes visuais

COMUNA com dança


[PT/EN] Olá! Esta é TRANS BORDA, minha proposta para o Antimétodo 4.


TRANS BORDA é um espaço de compartilhamento de processos e dispositivos para a criação transdisciplinar. A partir de uma conversa inicial com as pessoas participantes presentes no dia, se mostrarão os principais interesses e dificuldades, a partir dos quais serão desenvolvidos os exercícios propostos.
Exercícios criativos para transbordar corpo, palavra, presença e interação.

O prefixo trans vem do latim trans, que significa além, através, atravessando de um lado para o outro, sugerindo transição, travessia, deslocamento e mobilidade, o que pode se dar em diversas direções e formas, prática ou subjetivamente.

Parto do pressuposto de que a arte e as diversas linguagens são vivas, relacionais e estão em constante transformação. As antigas caixinhas usadas para enquadrar, categorizar e separar já não dão conta da efervescente diversidade e multiplicidade existentes, dentro e fora da arte. Isto se aplica à gênero, à língua, às questões sociais que nos atravessam todo o tempo e que demandam movimentos de insurgência e transformação.

Por isso, mais do que apenas procedimentos, há a importância em se compartilhar o caminho, o processo entre errâncias e descobertas, entre a ideia, a execução e as diversas possibilidades entre linguagens e fazeres.

O que há no entre, na fenda, na fissura que se abre em abismo é o que transborda.

Amanda Leal é poeta e artiste nb que levanta a voz e o sonho de transformar realidades através da arte. Híbrida e fluíde: atriz, escritora, artista visual, performer, produtore e desdobradore de mundos e movimentos.

Hi! This is TRANS BORDA, my proposal for Antimethod 4.


TRANS BORDA is a space for sharing processes and devices for transdisciplinary creation. From an initial conversation with the people participating in the day, the main interests and difficulties will be shown, from which the proposed exercises will be developed.
Creative exercises to overflow body, word, presence and interaction.

The prefix trans comes from the Latin trans, which means beyond, through, crossing from one side to the other, suggesting transition, crossing, displacement and mobility, which can take place in different directions and forms, practically or subjectively.

I start from the assumption that art and the different languages ​​are alive, relational and in constant transformation. The old boxes used to frame, categorize and separate can no longer account for the effervescent diversity and multiplicity that exist, inside and outside art. This applies to gender, to language, to social issues that cross us all the time.

Therefore, more than just procedures, it is important to share the path, the process between wanderings and discoveries, between the idea, the execution and the various possibilities between languages ​​and doings.

What is in between, in the crack, in the fissure that opens into an abyss is what overflows.

Amanda Leal is a poet and artiste nb who raises her voice and dreams of transforming realities through art. Hybrid and fluid: actress, writer, visual artist, performer, producer and unfolder of worlds and movements.



Link to portfolio:



VideoCriaturas são seres híbridos de imagem eletrônica e corpo que criei e venho desenvolvendo desde a década de 80 principalmente no Brasil .

Com o tempo elas viraram uma linguagem (VideoTeatro) e a ênfase inicial dela que era a imagem eletrônica (vídeo, novidade na época) em relação com corpo banal, gradualmente se inverteu com a atual substituição do real pelo virtual, destacando a importância do corpo e sua presença física expandida pela imagem e não o contrario.

Nessa palestra pretendo mostrar essa trajetória do meu trabalho que vai do virtual para o corpo vivencial, passando pelos híbridos que criei questionando o que o metaverso nos expande e o que nos amputa em nossas expressões artísticas e pessoais.

Otavio Donasci


Dear @pinkalsky

I am really really sad to announce that unfortunately we won’t be able to support Antimétodo 4 this time. Even with all the amazing amazing artists that Antimétodo brings for sharing their knowledge with GAMBIARRA and Near Community. It’s a something that should continue and grow!

In May we continued our work for fundings, with 9 projects received! We have asked for the support of 6000 USD to fully realize all of them. Unfortunately the limit of funding Creatives DAO gives is currently 5000 USD , therefore, in a meeting with the GAMBIARRA DAO it was decided by majority of votes, to give preference - at this time - to projects that will take place in the Gambiarra Gallery (parcel in the cryptovelxs), projects from proposers who have never proposed before.

We are super sorry and we highly recommend the submissions of ANTIMETODO for the next editions. Please, don’t stop this amazing movement!!!



O Movimento não para!!! que incrível!!!
Viva Donasci!!! Viva o Antimétodo!!!