[Proposal] 9INES DAO, Infosessions and Onboarding Funding Request, May 2022
Subtotal Requested: $700 USD in NEAR
The Future is NEAR April Project Proposal
April Report Summary:
- “The Future is NEAR” has been renamed as “The 9INES Sessions”
- onboarded 16 people people in April using neardrop links
- hosted several virtual virtual info sessions, with a total of 13 attendees which yielded some of the newly onboarded
9INES Infosessions
Budget: $200
We have already hosted multiple virtual onboarding sessions. Our goal for May was to host an in person event, but due to an upspike in covid infections and in order to accommodate people in different locations, we have chosen to continue with virtual sessions for the time being.
In these sessions, we will cover the following topics:
- the 5w’s (who, what, when, where, why) of the creation of NEAR
- what NEAR protocol is within the context of web3, cryptocurrency, the NFT market, blockchain, etc
- What are DAOs and the importance of community on NEAR
- Engagement/ collaborative opportunities on NEAR for creatives, developers, educators, activists, etc
- Investing and staking NEAR
Onboarding Support
Budget $500
$500 = 10 people at $50 each onboarding support and Neardrops links
We will carry over the funds from April for this month’s DAO sponsorships.
Participants will receive NEAR Drop links to create their NEAR account and will be offered one-on-one or group onboarding support.
We will also conduct a preliminary questionnaire to gather information about their skills and passions, which we will use to guide them to relevant NEAR engagement experiences. We will research and establish relationships with existing, experienced DAOs to make this process efficient and effective.
We will host at least 4 info sessions over the course of the month and provide onboarding support and conduct questionnaires with new users according to their availability.