Hello everyone,
I salute the council members and moderators.
I am samson chukwu also known as @Sammiee a member of the Team for the C1/NxM Near Tour Abuja.
Currently the Discord moderator for NXM Guild.
Since I got onboarded into the Ecosystem and with my time growing and learning with C1, I have come to better understand the slogan “Artist Helping Artist” Thus the Project (CTS).
CTS (C1 in the Streets) is an idea I and my Team members have been grooming and We believe it’s time to bring it to light, it’s a project that takes and Brings the NEAR Ecosystem and Web3 through C1 community to the Streets, on this project we will be Targeting creatives (raw “local” Creators/Artists) who have their talents but do not have the platform to showcase and create,
In this project my self and my Team currently in 3different states here in nigeria [Lagos,Abuja ,Abi ]and with time we will spread and have Team members everywhere in the Ecosystem.
Our goal is to Discover creatives in the streets, onboard them and Teach them the visions of C1 and the Goals and Objectives of the Near Ecosystem and its opportunities.
Creatives will be onboarded
Videos recorded will be Minted as NFT in the C1 mint base
Creatives will be Trained and aided in making and minting their NFTs
At the end of every month 2 Creatives will be featured on the C1 Newsletter, videos will be uploaded on the C1 YouTube channel, we will make available two of this project time to be streamed live on the C1 Discord TV.
To carry out this project for the month of April
4 Team members,
LAGOS @Sammiee and @reespect and ABUJA EkeyzBEAT and Davis (onboarded during the Tour in abuja) 4 of us will be working in April as it’s the first month of the project.
I hope the Community see this project worthy and support us bring our dreams and ideas to Fulfillment.
Team bounties: $50 each = $200
Camera fee for both states $180
Artwork for the month $50
Logistics and Editing for the month $300
Total: $730 53.48 N
Target wallet Sammiee.near