[Project proposal] C1 in The Streets (PROJECT CTS APRIL 2022)

Hello everyone,
I salute the council members and moderators.

I am samson chukwu also known as @Sammiee a member of the Team for the C1/NxM Near Tour Abuja.
Currently the Discord moderator for NXM Guild.
Since I got onboarded into the Ecosystem and with my time growing and learning with C1, I have come to better understand the slogan “Artist Helping Artist” Thus the Project (CTS).

CTS (C1 in the Streets) is an idea I and my Team members have been grooming and We believe it’s time to bring it to light, it’s a project that takes and Brings the NEAR Ecosystem and Web3 through C1 community to the Streets, on this project we will be Targeting creatives (raw “local” Creators/Artists) who have their talents but do not have the platform to showcase and create,
In this project my self and my Team currently in 3different states here in nigeria [Lagos,Abuja ,Abi ]and with time we will spread and have Team members everywhere in the Ecosystem.
Our goal is to Discover creatives in the streets, onboard them and Teach them the visions of C1 and the Goals and Objectives of the Near Ecosystem and its opportunities.

Creatives will be onboarded
Videos recorded will be Minted as NFT in the C1 mint base
Creatives will be Trained and aided in making and minting their NFTs

At the end of every month 2 Creatives will be featured on the C1 Newsletter, videos will be uploaded on the C1 YouTube channel, we will make available two of this project time to be streamed live on the C1 Discord TV.

To carry out this project for the month of April
4 Team members,
LAGOS @Sammiee and @reespect and ABUJA EkeyzBEAT and Davis (onboarded during the Tour in abuja) 4 of us will be working in April as it’s the first month of the project.
I hope the Community see this project worthy and support us bring our dreams and ideas to Fulfillment.

Team bounties: $50 each = $200
Camera fee for both states $180
Artwork for the month $50
Logistics and Editing for the month $300

Total: $730 53.48 N

Target wallet Sammiee.near

Cc: @Dedeukwu @JCB for visibility


Hi Sammy

I love the idea of onboarding creatives from the street and telling them about us, I think it’s okay we take this as ideation for now as C1 is working towards the phase of marketing and development atm.

I think this proposal will fit in to the onboarding DAO tag as it has a whole lot to do with onboarding and education.

Peace fam


Alright @Dedeukwu noted and will be submitted appropriately


Much appreciated brother, but on the other hand C1 Guild can approve it if we have space for the budget.


In truth I see all of your concerns about onboarding, my self and my Team are launching this project through C1 as we hope that after the month of April and the results and reports are in, our hope is that it will become a community project in or with the C1 guild.

If Approved we will be glad and it will be so much opportunity for us to also contribute in our little way to the Goals of the Community and The Ecosystem.

CTS as a Project has in its little way seen it self being a long term project that will stand and remain productive in the ecosystem.

We hope it be found worthy or given an opportunity to show its potentials


Sounds like Awesome!!!


Great innovation @Sammiee :clap:
I trust that this will elevate a lot of talents out there and give them value. I will love to see this actualized.


i really like this idea, i would also like to volunteer with your team if that’s okay, i hope this is approved​:crossed_fingers:t5:


Thanks so much @boy_chula @Purpledots i am really glad to see this reviews.
@reespect i left you a DM on Your Telegram and yes I will be very delighted to work with you on this,

@Dedeukwu @JCB i was almost going to cut down on the work force for April to better create space for funding as the other team member for lagos informed me that he will be out of town for work, but since @reespect is indicated interest, the work force remains same but we can cut down to fit into the C1 budget and also as a means to see the project kickstart in April.

@reespect will be briefed as she joins the team, welcome on board miss and yea we hope the project get’s approved


C1 in the street !!!
I see your clear vision and the mission, Love to be part of this Sammie , I volunteer to join the team !!


Hey, this project could have the scope for collaborations with both Onboarding DAO and Graffiti DAO down the line also!


Yes it is the future plan for the project, but we starting it through the C1 community in this first Launch and going forward we hope to make it a Monthly project of the Near Ecosystem including all appropriate DAOs in our next projection and proposal.

Your concerns are well received and am open to take more suggestions, questions and advice
Thanks @ted.iv

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Hello everyone,
Greetings to @creativesdao-council @Dedeukwu @JCB ,the members of C1 guild and this gov forum.

Today i am excited to share with us all update regarding the Above Project.
It feels so good to finally share updates on this project.

Prior to this time plans had been made and logistics set in motion to make this project a successful one and we currently are making it all happen.
I will like to use this opportunity to share the Artwork for this project which will also be minted in the C1 store along with the Videos that will be made from this project.

I again want to thank the council members of C1 and also the Creatives And it’s Moderators for the opportunity to embark on this project.


Amazing brother, i wish you good luck in your project and can’t wait to see it take us to the moon.
Thanks for the update

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Sure bro
I am very excited for what we are getting

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