Formal Complaint Regarding Marketing DAO Council's Lack of Transparency, Delays, and Potential Conflicts of Interest

Thank you, @satojandro. I have known you for over three years, and your style has always been the same. Sorry, I didn’t attack you :slight_smile: I simply pointed out a fact that perhaps you did a fantastic job in getting your proposal approved by your peers in just three days. However, there still remains a conflict of interest. And, I mentioned more than just that.

Beating around the bush and ultimately denying responsibility doesn’t help. Thanks @Dacha and @so608 to look into the point.

I am not looking for much because I know the voice of the community is truly small within the current “political” system. I just hope that at least we are heard, and that matters like this complaint and Near Nordic are not swept under the rug.

Would you like some insight?

$7125 was approved in March 2022. And here’s the complaint we get as of July 2022, 4 months after the approval:

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