[Closed] The BlockChat @ NEARCON 2022

Hi @so608, I thank you for reply me! :pray:t4:

I’ll try to answer all your question in an objective way, but please feel free to ask me something that is not clear or need more information, ok?

  • Please include links to the channels where you publish your content as well as your social media channels used for marketing purposes so we can review those alongside the proposal.

I’m a more active user at Instagram, first on my personal profile than on NADA∴Studio Criativo, but I’m starting to use more Twitter, so I’ll leave all three here, plus my YouTube channel, where — besides The BlockChat episodes — you can get to know my audiovisual work in a lot of ways (commercial, documentaries, music videos, videoarts, etc.)

Instagram: bagadefente | NADA

Twitter: bagadefente

YouTube: NADA∴Studio Criativo

  • We are getting a lot of requests for support to go to NEARCON, so we need to prioritize proposals that have clear metrics for success so we can track the outcome. What you are requesting here is essentially a travel stipend, but not funding for the production of the content itself. Can you update this to include the funding request for the content you will be creating and clearly outline the deliverables (ie how many shows, how much social content to market before, during and after the event)? No need to complicate or change what you have here, but we need to put it in clear bullets so it’s very obvious what you’re requesting we fund.

On this, I was thinking that having this 10-days food and stay funding would also cover my content creation work, that’s why I didn’t include anything else besides this, Nearcon and flight tickets. Here’s what I intend to delivery:

I’ll create and share social media content, (reels and stories on Instagram) with travel preparations, telling where I’m going and what I’m going to do there, more like a vlog content to create some buzz and curiosity about Nearcon on the Brazilian community. It will be something informal and spontaneous, so I can’t tell how many pieces I’ll produce.

Six special episodes from The BlockChat — as I told in the proposal, I’m calling it “special” because I won’t have the structure I currently use, like different layouts, cuts between them, image inserts, etc., it will be live raw talkings with people during Nearcon. The episodes should be between 10 and 30 minutes, changing according to guest availability.

I’m also intending to create and share social media content during the whole conference, focused on Portuguese speaking members of the Near ecosystem (once again on a spontaneous instagram way, so I can’t tell how many of it).

A live BlockChat episode sharing my impressions and answer questions about my Nearcon experience. On this, I have two ideas, both involving @blusw: 1) if her proposal is approved, we can do an episode sharing our impressions and experiences, bringing two personal point of views to the Brazilian community; 2) if, unfortunately, she won’t able to be there, we can change places and, instead of being the host, i will be the guest on this BlockChat episode.

I’ll also write an article, in Portuguese, sharing my impressions about Nearcon, to be posted on Medium in a to-be-created NADA∴Studio Criativo publication, or in any other Near-related publication that wants to publish Portuguese content.

This isn’t related to content creation, but if there’s a space to it, I’d be pleasured to give a talk about the book we are publishing through Near Foundation funding. Our plan is to have the copies printed in time for the conference.

  • Do you have reports from previously funding proposals that you have shared on the Forum? If so, can you share as part of this proposal?
  • In terms of travel, I can support covering travel for the duration of the conference, but the MarketingDAO is not in the position to fund travel outside of those dates. We are simply getting too many requests to justify funding extended travels as part of proposals.

As I told on the second answer, those extra days would work as a payout for the content creation (it doesn’t hurt to say that I’m not asking for funds from Creatives or any other DAO to do this proposal). That said, and being transparent, I see two scenarios:

  1. I can add a 600 USD costs to cover my content creation works and use this to pay for those extra days; (1750 + 313 + 420 + 600= $3083 USD) — almost the same originally asked ($3075)
  2. Have only four days plus travel and ticket funded and find a way to stay a little longer.
    (1750 + 313 + 420 + 600= $2483 USD)

Values are: flight tickets + nearcon ticket value at time of writing + 4-day travel stipend

Of course the first one it’s better, both for practical reasons and for having my work valued, by I really wish to be part of Nearcon, so I’m willing to make it work anyway!

  • Note that the MarketingDAO cannot be responsible for fluctuations in costs (travel, NEAR, etc.). If you get approved, during the payout, you can request funds in stablecoin.
  • Note that it can take up to 5 weeks from time of a proposal posted on the Forum to payout after approval, so you will only want to proceed with this proposal if you can accommodate the reality of the timing that can take place given all the variables.

I’m aware of this and the only downside I see it’s the payout process timing, because if it takes that long, the flight costs will probably be much higher and I won’t be able to buy the tickets.
Even having this approved and knowing that I received the funds, I don’t have the means to buy them in advance, so I’ll just have to thank you and accept that it wasn’t this time.

Hope I have all your questions answered, but if not, just tell me.

And once again, thanks!