[CLOSED BOUNTY] Share Incubadora DAO social media 50 x 0.4

Hello all,

Incubadora DAO has a bunch of new social media channels and initiatives going on.

To increase the visibility of these channels, we are offering 0.4N (50 slots available) to those who share and follow our social media channels. Choose 1 or more:

*** Facebook page ( Incubadora DAO )** WE NEED EXTRA EFFORT ON FACEBOOK


Incubadora DAO is a platform that aims to create a laboratory of experimentation in arts + technology by developing collaborations between artists, academics, curators, creatives and cultural professionals through technology. Due to the growing precariousness of the cultural sector and artistic work, we intend to devise emancipatory solutions and help reshape the ecosystem of traditional art using Blockchain and DeFi technologies.

Please post your share/tweet here in the comments (link or screenshot) & add your nearname (wallet).

Thank you all!


Should we share on Facebook? What social media please

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Hi :slight_smile:

I think sharing each platform on that platform is reasonable, but up to you. Thanks!

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Can we get the link of all the profiles in various platforms.
So that we can share it easily

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For Facebook…


For twitter…


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Wallet address: bernardjebaraja.near

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You mean this?

dabbie3229.near ? Confirm again please.

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Subscribed to all the channels and story posted in Instagram.

Wallet - nearism.near

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Got it thank you. Proceeding the bounty

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Please let me know if you need some support with infographics, I’m ready to make!

Near wallet:

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Yes dabbie3229.near is the wallet id ser

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just confirm this to me please: is this a new wallet + a first time address?

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Followed and shared the links in twitter



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No sir, you’re welcomed to check my activities on explorer, I used it for many different activities

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Not doubting, was just curious! Don’t you have a name.near account?


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My entry, and good luck!


Thank you I shared your link tree
