Marma J Guild Budget - August 2021
Total Planned Budget: 500 NEAR (~125 marmaj)
Council Member Payouts 150 N (~37.5 marmaj)
- 100 N for bianca.near (~25 marmaj)
- 50 N for rebecca.near (12.5 marmaj)
Content Creation Bounties 200N (~50 marmaj)
- 50 N each x 4 blogs a month = 200 N
Tip Bot Budget 150N (onboarding in Telegram: Contact @marmajdao)
- 50 N each for chloe.near, bianca.near, and rebecca.near to tip/onboard the Marma J community
- Many Marma J community members are interacting with NEAR/crypto for the first time within our telegram chat group and having the tip bot be their first Dapp interaction has proven to be a smooth onboarding process.