[Approved] RU Community Guild (Managing + Activities) November 2021

RU community has been working closely with NEAR and Aurora and continuously support localization for websites of both orgs.

Recently, we’ve been trying to work closely with our ecosystem projects, so we’ve had the following AMA sessions in our chat room: Vadim(theme Hackaton MetaBUIDL), Human Guild(Aliaksandr Hudzilin), Paras.id (Riqi), Meta Pool (Claudio Cossio).
We also have activities planned with another projects in our ecosystem.

August 2021

September 2021

We collect frequent user questions and translate them and/or provide answers.

We try to focus on training new developers for our projects and getting people to know our blockchain better.

There were also translations of the NEAR site, and articles about sharding and Aurora (since we paid grants for them in October, I’ll add this October full report).

The most popular articles on Medium(August, September).

Translation: AMA session with Illia Polosukhin on the Reddit. 154 views
On-chain games. 142 views
Game projects on the NEAR blockchain. 339 views
All about Meta Pool. 531 views
Introduction to NEAR Protocol. 401 views

Also, our guys (@zavodil @yulian ) organized on September 30 a Rainbow Bridge Meetup in Kyiv.

Vadim also made a video about the fund to support NEAR Russian-language projects
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbIHzGZ1FoM 3227 views



Payout: rucommunity.sputnikdao.near

RU Community team: @zavodil @rasfies @Vladislav_vl25 @yulian

Please let us know if you have any questions about the above proposal.



Have you got a more granular breakdown of this?

I’d consider $10.5k a very high funding amount. In that regard, are you and the rest of the team available to jump on a call sometime with myself and the rest of the @marketingdao-council ?


What additional information do you need?
Our last request was in August.

Since the exchange rate has changed, we had enough assets for two months.
All of our expenses go through the DAO.

In my opinion, if we’re going for transparency, it’s fair to answer all questions here (or in another thread on the forum as a variant).

Budget for monthly with incentives for Ru Community - 5,000 USD
This spending will include paying for translations, grants for good articles // videos // another content, community events, tips.
The rest of the funds are carried over to the next month and, as you can see, are spent based on that.

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Exactly what you’ve shared here :point_down:

A call will be more efficient. If we want to ensure transparency then I’m happy to record it and publish it here.

It’s important for us, as the Marketing DAO, to build relationships with those who are receiving funding, too! We want to make sure you guys are achieving success in your marketing goals :muscle:

Are you open for a call? I believe we’re going to be making this quite standard for proposals with a high value.


My level of spoken English is not the best, I will notify the team and try to arrange a call.

Last time it was okay, this time, it needs something else. :man_shrugging:
I understand that it’s important for you to know something, too.

But maybe there’s something I don’t understand in this world…

No problem! I’ll see what we can do to find someone who may be able to translate.

As a DAO council we have decided that big-ticket proposals that are ongoing should be prepared to participate in an oversight meet/call. This is to ensure responsible distribution of NEAR and, further to that, to enable both parties (the proposer and the vertical) to achieve success :ballot_box_with_check:

This isn’t an interrogation or anything, and nor do we want it to come across like that. We want to see you guys achieve something awesome!


Why do you request $ 5000 for community management salary ? Can you show us a list of moderators/admins? I’m asking it because usually admins/moderators of Near groups have ~ 300N ~ $2200 a month or even less.
Thank You!

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Hmm, maybe because I’m just not a chat administrator or moderator?

This was the salary offered by the RU-team.
My time is unregulated, I mean, sometimes the work week is not 40 hours at all, but much more.
If I’m planning something for NEAR, I’m spending all my time on it at the moment.
Also on the weekends, I always take time for the project.
One day can be news, an AMA session, work with Twitter, all of which I try to give at once, not put off until tomorrow.

If you can handle it better, you can apply.

But it seems to me that with all questions and reports, I’ll soon be happy to be a simple moderator without all that and for less pay. :rofl:


Uually SSM managers in Russia /Ukraine get $1000 a month (140N)

But you can find even cheaper on kwork.ru , Alina for instance can manage a telegram group for 2500 RUB / $35 / 5N a month

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Thank you for your encouragement and information.

No problem. I think your monthly salary should be decreased down to 300N ~ $2000 . It’s fair salary which get all Near admins ( just in case some of them like @haenko manage Near groups for free).

I got many private messages from other admins which disagree with your salary.

Have a great day!

No problem, if the consuls together with the rest of the RU-team approve the necessary list of requirements for my work as simple moderator. I will consider another payment.

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Влад, а не мог бы ты пожалуйста опубликовать этот тред в ру группе ? Раз уж мы говорим об открытости, думаю ребятам будет интересно почитать об успехах ру гильдии. Спасибо !

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Sure. But then I hope you can come into the group to evaluate the results with the other guys, too.

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Thank You, great :+1: Your guild transparency rank is 9 of 10 :blush:

Думаю не плохо было бы также ввести голосования в гильдии среди участников по каким-то важным вопросам, дабы немного легитимизировать факт того, что в вашем ДАО всего 2 консула.

И обратите пожалуйста внимание на участника Misicbynear . Парень старается , но у него нет никакой поддержки . Думаю такие фанаты и делают Нир лучше (а не те что строчат нелепые посты в твиттере , а потом получив деньги от Near, льют все в стакан, я подробно это описывал в истории с дегенами).


Привет! Не завязывай, братишь… @MusicbyNEAR
Мы говорили с Dmitriy NE @dmitryne про музыкальный арт про Ниар и OpenWeb . мы действуем вместе с ним - пробуем создать аудио и видео контент про Near и OpenWeb!
Давай держаться вместе. может не все так плохо… может нужно найти правильный формат, подход , вариант подачи своего арта…
давай помыслим в этом напрвлении, бро!!


покажи плиз, что вышло создать…


Насчет DAO - хорошая идея, попрошу ребят рассмотреть.

Обращал и согласен, что контент, скорее всего, нужен любой, но ИМХО, с узконаправленным контентом/каналом в данный момент сложно.

Контент нужен любой, но есть узконаправленный контент.
Ты занимался каналом, я знаю, но проблема, что контент с видео и музыкой в Telegram и в таком ключе менее востребован.
Не все пожелают слушать именно такую музыку, а видео(в виде музыкальных клипов) лучше себя будет чувствовать на Youtube(но тут уже вступят авторские права в ход). Опять же, это мое мнение.
Если бы развлекательный контент миксовался с каким-нибудь образовательным про NEAR в текстовом или видео формате…

Думаю, что 99% процентов чатов, связанных с криптопроектами идут с направленностью в техническую часть, обсуждений фарминга и остального.

Еще раз, мы открыты как гильдия, если есть интересный проект или хотите развивать что-то с поддержкой от нас, сообщите.