Hello @FritzWorm , @shreyas we have been working for about 3 weeks, yesterday we present the progress in the NEAR University weekly AMA and let me tell you we receive a nice Feed Back. And we posted our progress here:
In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
The progress of the week, starting on Tuesday 12/16:
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
Front End (Vue.js)
Designing the initial Template, look and feel, colors and logo.
Login Screen, Translation English, Spanish
Dashboard View, using an NEAR avatar, Initial greetings depending of your local client h…
In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
The progress of the week, starting on Monday 12/20:
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
Front End (Vue.js)
As for Look & Fill, the Submenu of Wallet were worked to show the balances and in the P2P menu for the purchase and sale of Near and USDT. The front end is worked to be responsive, guaranteeing a cor…
In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
The progress of the week, starting on Monday 12/27:
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
Front End (Vue.js)
Query the cost of NEAR price to USDT, using the Binance Api, V1, 24H, Get Historical transactions of current logged user. This data should be only related to P2P transactions.
Lock balance …
In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
The progress of the week, starting on Monday 03/22:
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
Frontend: We worked on showing the smart contracts on the frontend, integrating with near-api-js and the user data interface was started to finish the registration cycle on the platform.
Backend: We work with functio…