[Approved] NEAR HUNTERS Community

NEAR HUNTERS - Russian-speaking Community

Hello everyone! Hunters team is pleased to present the first proposal for NEAR Community :rocket:

Our general goal is to increase community engagement in using network (that reflects on on-chain metrics on DappRadar), and to raise awareness of the Near ecosystem across web3-communities. For that we create educational media content, develop apps and Tg-bots, and organize regular online events in socials.

In July we’re aimed to adapt Hunters’ technical development and content production to the NEAR network by organizing diverse activities and events.

Specifically, we plan to perform:

1. Managing russian-speaking community chat, and operations - Daily
– Daily preparing Russian news content for the community news stream;
– Research, analysis, and testing dapps on NEAR;
– Connection with the NEAR ecosystem’ projects for inviting them to “How it Works” AMA sessions;
– Cross-marketing activity: connections with the different blockchain teams to arrange Community Voice chats in Russian for NEAR ecosystem (Previous sessions as examples: with Optimism; Aptos; Moonbeam; Tezos; Avalanche; Secret network; Algorand)
– Development and implementation of strategies for increasing community engagement:
Plan to reach 10К followers in Russian Telegram chat in a month.pdf (66,9 КБ) ;
– Administration of chats

2. Social media production:
– Live Test AMA sessions (on Telegram) with NEAR ecosystem projects’ teams - bi-weekly (2 per month)
– Short Video guides ‘How it works’ - bi-weekly (2 per month)
– NEAR Ecosystem dApp-review - weekly (4 per month)
– Community Voice chats in Russian with other blockchains’ active members - bi-weekly (2 per month)

3. Entertainment (Quests):
3.1. HuntersBet - prediction game around NEAR token price - Five events a week:
:one: HuntersBet tournament - the main tournament of the week;
:two: Zealy Bet - tournament on Zealy platform;
:three: Community Drop - a tournament where it’s not about getting the score right, just luck. Random prizes;
:four: Weekend tournament;
:five: Quick Tournament - fastest battle on the court, guess NEAR token rate in 5 hours, bets are accepted during 2 hours

3.2. Сommunity bot quests - Weekly (4 per month)
Every week Hunters will hold a tournament for the most active chat members. The top 10 chat participants will receive rewards (tips).

  1. Amplification and completion of the Сommunity bot development that works in Telegram chat:
    – collects statistics of active members in the chat weekly/daily
    – then, on its basis, it’s tipping (using tip-bot) for active users - need to integrate NEAR tipbot
    – can send tips for Telegram mini-games (bowling, cube, basket etc) - need to develop
    it’s already testing in the chat

    Hunters Social media:

    :link: Linktree
    :iphone: Telegram English Chat
    :iphone: Telegram Russian chat
    :iphone: Telegram Aurora Hunters channel
    :bird: Twitter
    :writing_hand:t2: Medium English
    :writing_hand:t2: Medium Russian
    :video_camera: YouTube
    :musical_note: Spotify
    :loud_sound: SoundCloud
    :musical_score: Tamago
    :left_speech_bubble: Soundstream
    :musical_keyboard: Mixcloud

    Achievements (Portfolio)

    During the previous year Hunters team has created a number of products for Aurora Community

I. Media Production:
Aurora Weekly Digest audio podcast (AWD), with sections (leaders, newcomers)
Live Test AMA
Ecosystem dApp reviews
– video guides How it works
– Presented as the guest speakers on the various AMAs
Articles in English
Articles in Russian
NFT-collections as community membership
- Design: have developed great icons, posters and logos for all the communities, their leaders and activities; Infographics regarding community growth and metrics; Stickers and emojis packs, etc.
– Community Swag store!

II. dApps building, design and promotion:
AuroraExpert bot development and weekly updating
WORDL & 2048 games on-chain
AI support bot

III. Ecosystem dApps support:
– ecosystem dapps testing on regular basis, updating status ‘live/not live’ on community dashboard and in Expert bot
– dapp reviews (example)
– encourage communities to create video guides, articles, tutorials,
– adding on DappRadar, submitting to Electric Capital Report

IV. Community coordination and engagement (gamified marketing):
– Aurora+ registration enforcing (Supporting community and guild leaders on codes, creating and distributing codes, reporting on Codes)
– Weekly Fri Updates with Alex popularisation (have brought attention to friday weekly updates with Alex, doing giveaway for questions during it. our goal - 100 viewers online)
AuroraCommunity Tipbot (Tg) promotion and roasting
– Quest platforms (Zealy, Layer3, Galxe, TaskOn) preparing and testing tasks
All the community guilds are participating with their members in Hunters daily events we pay attention to every one, including organization of inter-guilds community tournaments

– contests, quests, giveaways (like HunterBets, MysteryBox, BotChallenge etc)

Event Period Participants Description Links
Mystery Box 07.01.23 - 08.04.23 900 Participate in the quest to win Aurora tokens by opening a mystery box. Read the rules on Medium and join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group. Rules, Telegram
Hunters Bet 01.12.22 - 25.06.23 1217 Predict the price of the AURORA token and win in the Hunters Bet challenge. Join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group for more details. Telegram
Bot Challenge 08.12.22 - 12.04.23 890 Find hidden Aurora tokens in the section of @auroraexpert_bot - dApps - DeFi by solving a puzzle. Check the link for more information. Telegram
100k Aurora 19.12.22 - 26.12.22 650 Join the contest to celebrate 100,000 followers on Aurora Twitter and win Aurora tokens. Read the link for prize pool and more details. Telegram
WORDL Aurora 24/7 01.04.23 - 21.04.23 110 Play the word game on wordleaurora.com and share your result to receive Aurora tokens. Join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group for more details. Telegram
Prizes for Smartness 21.04.23 - 01.05.23 350 Join Aurora Hunters’ Games and win Aurora by playing Wordl and twenty48.app. Share your results on the Hunters Aurora Telegram group. Telegram
Aurora Light Catchers 23.12.22 - 15.01.23 59 Collect ‘lights’ (words) from Aurora and Aurora Hunters social media to win Aurora tokens. Read the rules and join the Hunters Aurora Telegram. Start, Final
AuroraIsEverywhere 05.12.22 - 31.12.22 84 Spot the symbol of Aurora in your city, snap a photo, and post it with #AURORAisEverywhere hashtag to win Aurora tokens. Read the rules link. Telegram
Aurora World Cup 2022 19.11.22 - 19.12.22 122 Participate in Aurora Hunters’ Championship for aurora during the #WorldCup2022. Read the rules and join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group. Telegram 1, Telegram 2
AuroraCommunity Tipbot Roasting 29.03.23 - 15.04.23 79 Send funny or clever messages with Aurora Hunter’s tipbot for a chance to win Aurora tokens. Join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group for details. Telegram
Aurora Weekly Digest 15.09.22 – 21.11.22 210 Participate in the Aurora Weekly Digest quiz after 10 issues of the podcast. Join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group for more information. Telegram
Friday Weekly Updates 02.10.22 - 10.12.22 551 Watch the Friday Weekly Updates stream with Alex Shevchenko and try to get as many viewers as possible for a chance to win Aurora tokens. Telegram
BIG AMA 30.12.22 410 Join a special edition of Aurora Hunters’ AMA with Alex Shevchenko on Dec 30th. Join the Hunters Aurora Telegram group for more details. Telegram

V. Aurora Community News stream and Core chat:
– created Telegram channel Community news stream for communities leaders and CMs (162 members), and Projects on Aurora, and the Chat that has 222 members.
– had set up streaming the news from every project on Aurora through the whole Ecosystem using the chat,
– helped to control the fidelity of information (its correspondence to reality) that Guilds post to regional communities, and media channels (A.Insider, Authority, Instagram Opps, Reddit,) to their socials as infographics,
– daily preparing news for Aurora community news stream

Previous proposals on forum.aurora.dev
First steps

Previous reports on forum.aurora.dev
Report July-August
Report September
Report October - November
Report December - January
Report February - March
Report April-May

  Funding details for 1 month:
  • Techdirector - 1000 USD
    Dapps testing, AMAs and Voice chats host and preparing; dapps review, video guides creation; Managing chats,
  • Luchito - 500 USD
    Moderation of chats: answering questions from community members, informing and assisting on ecosystem issues. Preparing AMAs and Voices, collecting questions, and rewarding participants. Connections to other blockchains.
    Daily translation and posting of news for the Aurora community news channels.
  • Tolmindev - 1500 USD
    Responsible for all design graphics and visuals for Hunters marketing campaigns, events, etc.
  • Rewards - 2600 USD
  • Zealy - 1000 USD

Total amount: 6600 USD
Target wallet: tolmindev.near

NEAR (ex-Aurora) Hunters is a community engagement brand that focuses on blockchain and web3 technologies, as well as games and dapps. Our brand personality is defined by openness, involvement, and communication. We aim to expand our inclusive, welcoming, and supportive community to NEAR ecosystems through community activities, content production, and apps/Telegram-bots building. Our target audience is primarily users of the NEAR network, as well as we are welcoming users from other blockchains and networks.

Thank you!

@marketingdao-council @Dacha @cryptocredit @so608 @Klint


Hello Techdir,

This Proposal falls in purview of the Regional Communities. @rc-admins and not with @marketingdao-council

As mentioned in your last proposal that was revieved about a week ago, it was mentioned RC only funds communities that has shown valueable activities on Near…

While your community has shown value on Aurora it also needs to show it can replicate same value tailored for Near native and BOS

Feel free to submit your proposal again after you have submitted atleast a trackable report that details your activities on Near.

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Dear @techdir ! I am happy to approve your proposal.

Also, please pay attention on the topic about transition into NDC



What’s going on? I don’t understand.

Why @Ola rejects the proposal and @Dacha approves it at the same time. Does it mean that any rejection on the forum is not a final decision and you should just ask someone else to approve it?

Or if you @Ola have no rights to approve or reject such proposals - why do you make such comments which look like the final decision?

It’s very confusing and looks like there are no transparent rules and
everything is decided somewhere behind the scenes by personal agreements.

That’s a red flag. We have to avoid such things.

P.S. My personal opinion is that this proposal should be approved. I’m not following the Aurora ecosystem, but even I see Aurora hunters activity a lot. I hope they can bring such an effect into NEAR ecosystem. And asked funds look reasonable (more than half is dedicated to community rewards not to team rewards)

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The problem is that RC DAO at the moment doesn’t have its own budget yet and it can only recommend approval. To MDAO, which can decide on its own whether to give money or not.

Actually, if you couldn’t get money from one GrassrootDAO you can just go for another, and get money there, it is not a problem. If your goals and expectations fit GrassrootDAO KPIs, why not?

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But @Ola’s comment doesn’t look like a recommendation. Is there any post on a forum that describes relations between RC DAO and MDAO? Is there any post on the forum that describes the process of approving proposals including RC DAO recommendations?

Anyway let’s keep such things transparent, if RC DAO can only recommend decisions - RC DAO members should make their posts clear and for example mark their “RC DAO recommendation: …”

Otherwise it only confuses people and looks suspicious

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