Project members:
@tabear (tabea.near)
@thefalmon (falmon.near)
Target Address: muti.sputnikdao.near
Current Balance (NEAR): 105.41 NEAR
Funding Period: end of July/August 2021
Requested amount: 670 NEAR
muti DAO takes care of its artists and their artistic needs. The focus lies on artists in general, especially on the ones that are not familiar with the crypto realm yet. Considering that, most of our communication happens in our TG channel. The DAO focusses on combining physical events and physical artistic needs with the metaverse and crypto realm. muti aims to fund artists so that they can keep on being creative.
Since the creation of the DAO we have
participated in the Hackathon & won an honorable mention (which will be used as emergency funds/spontaneous projects which have not been delivered in time for a monthly budget)
held several online workshops about the NEAR Ecosystem, NFTs/minting & onboarding
Created a mintbase store which includes a split royalty for the DAO to help sustaining itself and the funds for artists, minted & sold the first NFTs
received a visual identity & according payout
Created 7 wallets
Confirmed 2 physical events with onboarded artists
Active twitter & Reddit account (@Collectivemuti / muti_collective)
In order to keep on onboarding, funding creativity and give a first easy access and reward for all participants we would like to fund the following projects within the next 30 days:
- 1. muti bakes: Creating NEAR fortune cookie NFTs /200N
We will invite 10 artists that will contribute with a fortune cookie design/artwork combined with some wisdom. Each cookie will be minted 10 times and be sold for 1N with split royalties for the DAO (10%) and the artist (90%) in the muti mintbase store. Each artist will receive 20N for providing their design/artwork & the royalty split. We are hoping to have this running on a regular basis to create plenty of cookies with a collectible character by as many artists as possible.
2. Bounties/200N:
3. muti.on**/150N**
A monthly streaming of an artistic session in a physical studio ( for ex. summary of an EP recording, concert, musical or artistic collaboration, a play etc.) which will be streamed in the metaverse (CV partner yet to be found). Several projects are in development atm, updates will be sent here asap once the exact date is confirmed. -
4.Council work - 2 council members: onboarding, social media, proposals, forum activity, TG, minting process, bounties /120N
Detailed links and reports to the bounties & cookie project will follow and will be communicated through our channels.
We’re happy to collaborate & welcome & fund more artists
mutiDAO TG