[APPROVED] Kin DAO - December 2021

[PROPOSAL] Kin DAO - December 2021

Hello everyone!

Contact name: @adrianseneca

Council Members: @godofnfts @BitSavage0202 @Patrick-T-Anderson @Ibraheem

Target Address: thekindao.sputnik-dao.near

Current Balance (NEAR): 15

Funding Period: December 2021

Request amount: 5000 USD in NEAR

Moving with the momentum of November Kin DAO is ready to grow beautifully this December! We have an awesome Virtual NFT Art Exhibition in the works, are starting an educational Youtube channel, hosting several onboarding workshops and are receiving help to step up our social media presence!

December Goals:

  • Onboard 15-30 people to NEAR
  • Double Twitter followers & discord members
  • Host Hyphae Virtual Art Exhibition on December 21st, 2020
  • Host Weekly AMA Sessions with small bounties for engagement for the NEAR community
  • Host 4 Onboarding Workshops developed by @bitsavage
  • Create 1 new educational video for Kin DAO Youtube
  • Continue For Product Model Development

December Operational Costs & Project Details:

Management [$1300]

  • [$900] - @adrianseneca & @godofnfts for managing all of the proposals, budgets, bounties, timelines, team tasks, calling/note taking/moderating meetings, daily updates, one on one check ins, compiling all media & team information, finding new organization & governance tooling, outer community strategizing, real life community invitations into web3 & intro to projects
  • [$400] - Council Participation

Hyphae NFT Show [$2100]

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Hyphae NFT Art Exhibition originated as an in person art exhibition in San Francisco during the month of October. Hyphae, defined as the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus, represent the beginnings of communal art bridge building and value shifting. Hosted in a former bank building, Hyphae touched on the extractive value structures disrupting life systems and facilitated perspective shifts to collectively redefine worth. The exhibit emphasized the importance of creativity and collaboration and how blockchain technology is supporting this value shift. We onboarded many during this time and collaborated with a lot of amazing people. Our goal in bringing this show into a virtual experience on December 21st is to share our origin stories from Kindness Grocery Cooperative (the original cooperative) to Bath Party (a series of events that Kindness Grocery Cooperative put on to bring food, clothes, hygienic products, showers and crypto education to houseless communities in Oakland, Berkeley and LA) to where we are today with Kin DAO. We would like to allow more people to participate so we may expand the network of mycelium we are cultivating while giving tribute to all who have contributed throughout the last 2 years.

Our plan is to cultivate a beautiful Kin DAO website that will allow access to two different virtual galleries. One temple that hosts our previous NFTs which were minted on opensea for Bath Party back in March 2021 alongside a new gallery on Paris displaying our new NFT project. The ETH temple will represent our linage story, the history of how we came to be, a gratitude to all the labor it took us to get here. The NEAR gallery will represent our present and future - the concepts we are developing and the realities we are building towards. For us this is an important and deeply symbolic project. We have worked tirelessly for the last two years to find solutions for ourselves and our communities. Today we are beginning to see the fruits of our labor in the types of bonds we have cultivated and the opportunities that are gently unfolding. We must bow to all we have done before we move forward. We also recognize our story is not fully clear to everyone at this moment and we would like to change that so more can connect with us.

Past NFT Project on Opensea to support Bath Party: https://opensea.io/Kindnessgrocerycoop2021

Current KGC Website page describing Bath Party: https://kindnessgrocery.coop/bath-party/

Current KGC Website page describing Hyphae Physical Exhibition: https://kindnessgrocery.coop/hyphae/

  • [$300] - Kin DAO Website Creation
  • [$300] - Art Curation & Planning
  • [$700] - NFT Minting Costs, building a virtual gallery that will show the artwork that’s minted on Near Protocal
  • [$800] - Artist Compensation to build 21 3D virtual coins as NFTs

Near Brand & Education Awareness. [$500]

With the help of @zubairansari07 we will be tracking our metrics for how this month goes and posting multiple times a day to gain more engagements.

  • [$300] Graphic Design
  • [$100] Social Media Management ($200 rides over from November)
  • [$100] Discord Management

For Product Model [$200]

  • [ON HOLD] Solidity Consultation - We are finding that getting solidity consultations may not be as easy as we thought and those with this knowledge have a high price for their time. We would like to use funds to support this but put this on hold to funnel funding into the creation of the Hyphae Virtual Exhibition.
  • [$200] - Ongoing For Product Model Development by @Patrick-T-Anderson

Onboarding [$900]

  • [$528] - 4 online onboarding workshops by @BitSavage0202
  • [$70] - Kin DAO x NEAR Onboarding Presentation at in Oakland on 12/9/21. We have been invited to present our project in collaboration with Bay Area Mural Program & Tara Moves to teach about NFT & DAO projects happening in the Bay Area. We would like to use this funding to provide NEAR coins to fund the creation of wallets for newcomers.

  • [$300] - One on one onboarding to close community members, creation of new wallets
  • [$100] - Monthly Educational Youtube Video

With all this said, we just want to reiterate our gratitude for your support. It has been a long journey with often only each other to lean on. Giving us the opportunity to be in this community and have fuel to allow our growth truly means a lot to us, thank you.


Hey hey!

Awesome post, can you please clarify who you’re requesting funding from, please?


Hi there! We are requesting funding from the creatives DAO. I thought posting the proposal in this forum here was the way to request from Creatives. Please let me know how I can do better with this in the future!


Hey! I’ve just moved it to the Creatives DAO subcategory and added the creatives-dao and proposals tag

Thanks! :tada:


Hello! :slight_smile:
A couple of comments:

Where are you minting? Is this value to cover the actual minting? In mintbase that is really cheap (like cents per NFT), so a bit of clarification would be ideal.

A lot of DAOs are requesting social media expenses from the Marketing Vertical. That’s not mandatory, obviously, just letting you know.

Happy to see the proposals coming in :smiley:


Thanks for this response!

Forgive us, we called it minting, we mean paying the artist that mint, developing a Near Protocal NFT interactive gallery and that includes minting.

Clarification: the 700 isn’t entirely to mint but to pay the artists/developer teams that are building a virtual gallery that will show the artwork that’s minted on Near Protocal. There are many Ethereum NFT showing Galleries like oncyber. We would like to develop an alternative “virtual gallery” for Hyphae to do justice the quality of work.

Thank you for letting us know about the social media! I was seeing that many were requesting from Marketing Vertical but we were not sure if requesting from multiple communities at once was appropriate. Now we know! :slight_smile:


hey @adrianseneca
Something that I just noticed, the DAO has 5 council members, but that info is not present here. It would be ideal to have all 5 members referenced in this proposal, for everyone to know who they are :slight_smile:


Hi @frnvpr I just added 3 that have accounts here and requested our last council member who has been moving through many life transitions to please come engage when he has time :slight_smile:


Hey all, Ibraheem here. I am the fifth Council Member. Happy to be here


Yes, we all have different duties @adrianseneca is doing remarkable updating this DAO thread. You all can join our discord to see what’s going on. Incredible community!


Hi everyone,

We’re all just beginning to understand how this works. The majority of us in KinDAO are non-techies. We are learning for ourselves and teaching our intersectional communities simultaneously. Near Protocol has made my transition into web3 so much easier than it has been previously. My fearless not so bright self participated as a judge at EthDenver in February 2021. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: What better vantage point to learn than a place where I could experience many projects at once? @BitSavage0202 has been saying the word DAO to me for about 7 months before the light dawned in my brain that he meant for us to create a decentralized autonomous organization. Once I understand something, I implement it. Nice to meet y’all. :partying_face: :heart:


hey @adrianseneca happy to tell you it’s approved, feel free to ask the corresponding N amount in the Creatives DAO astrodao!



Wew, Congrats Team It’s Approved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face: