WESHARE – is an innovative live stream creator platform for equitable monetization of creative content from live creators – i.e. musicians, performers, instructors, live painters and more.
WESHARE will use the NEAR Protocol to implement NFTs, digital wallets and crypto rewards to users and creators who join the platform. WESHARE also utilizes peer-to-peer blockchain based live stream encoding to provide low cost streaming to our creators. We will also develop a DAO platform for creating an equity pool for creators who bring value and build community on our platform.
More music, video and art is being created than at any time in human history, yet creators are making less money for content than ever before. For example, the average Spotify artist makes $12 a month, the average Patreon creator makes $4 a day; and a performer live streaming a concert to 20,000 fans on Youtube or Facebook makes less than $40 in revenue. That’s’ the equivalent of 1/5 of a penny per ticket.
So Today, millions of creators are looking for a platform with effective and easy-to-use tools to generate equitable revenue.
WESHARE is a platform built by a team with decades of experience in live events, technology and marketing. Our Creator Channels include multiple forms of monetization including recurring subscriptions, NFTs (video, audio and graphic), ticketed online events, video on demand, digital downloads, tipping and donations and more.
WESHARE has four main content areas
- Creator Channels – subscription based live stream channels with NFT storefront
- Online Events – in partnership with Burning Man, Shift Network, Emmy Awards and more – to include NFT collectibles and tickets
- In-Person Events– in partnership with Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, Meetup, Bands in Town – a geocoded real world events search engine
- Communities – fully featured user created online communities with social wall, conferencing, direct messaging and more
- February 2022- completion of Live Stream platform for creators – built in highly scalable Next.js, the WESHARE system includes an array of monetization features and social tools.
- February 2022 – initial integration of NEAR Protocol for various blockchain functions including minting and selling NFTs, NEAR wallets and crypto rewards
- March 2022 – robust user testing and initial artist onboarding and contracting
- May 2022 – completion and launch of NEAR integration for minting NFTs, Near Wallets and Crypto rewards.
- July 2022 – Full scale marketing launch including NEAR integration
- Fall 2022 – launch of WESHARE DAO for creator equity pool
In a time where creative content has been de-valued by hyper-extractive technology platforms - and user data and has been abused for mass profit, WESHARE represents a major disruption of the status quo. Our promise to our community is that those who create value on our platform will get a fair share; and the communities our creatives build can trust that we will respect and protect our members data sovereignty.
Emilio Miller-Lopez – CEO/Founder – 20+ years of experience as tech and marketing innovator in the live industry launching more than 50 music and arts festivals and pop culture conventions.
Himanshu Garg
Hosni Colina
Ram Prakash
Sudkisha Nagvashni
Amarjyot Singh
Amit Kumar
Ashutosh Singhai
Dibyarchana Sahu
Harshit Dwivedi
Kratika Gupta
Our team leader is currently onboarding two Web3.0 specialists skilled in Rust/Assembly Script to develop the NEAR digital wallets, NFT minting and crypto rewards.
TIERRO LEE - Talent Acquisition and Operations
JEFF BOUSQUET - Technology and Event Management
STEVE HAMMERSLY - Finance, Fundraising and Business Development
ROBERT GOULD - Artist Relations and Intellectual Property
GAGAN JARED LEVY - Brand Strategy and Marketing
Himanshu Garg - himanshugargkiwi · GitHub
Hosni Colina - hosnicolina (Hosni Colina) · GitHub
Ram Prakash - ram-prakash · GitHub
Sudkisha Nagvashni - https://github.com/sudikshaNagvanshiKiwi
Emilio MIller-Lopez - https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilio-miller-lopez-1199a2117/
Gagan Jared Levy - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaganjlevy/
Steven Hammersly - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahammersly/
Below are the roles for the tech team members:
· Amarjyot Singh – QA Engineer
· Amit Kumar – DevOps Engineer
· Ashutosh Singhal – Project Head
· Sudiksha Nagvanshi – Web Developer (React)
· Himanshu Garg – Web Developer (React)
· Naina Dogra – HTML Designer
· Dibyarchana Sahu – React Developer
· Harshit Dwivedi – DevOps Engineer
· Hosni Colina– Lead Engineer