Weekly report - TenK incubator

Weekly report

  • I continued promoting and posting about the TenK incubator on Twitter around 1/2 tweets per day. Topics of the week on Twitter were to 1) voting on top.gg 2)promote nft at san diego 3) promote our new project BeerPunks, 4) daily common twits
  • Also, I wrote the growth hacking plan which I will continue to extend it.
  • Moreover, I focused on user onboarding greeting, guiding users to the right channel; the question in #general; #tickets; #creator’s chat are responded to or tag the right person to get answered.
  • Furthermore, I continued with my main tasks, discord maintenance and moderate: make sure the channels shown in the attached image are up to date.
  • Implementation of the meetings between the team members to note and coordinate, for everything that happened this week.
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