[updated] Community Town Hall Agenda 20201102

Hi everyone! Our second community town hall will be on Monday, November 2).

In the first one (post, video), we met with a few projects building on NEAR and some of the people driving the project.

What would you like to do in the second Town Hall on Monday?

The goal of these town halls is to be an open interface among the community, so their agenda and product will be increasingly driven by you!

You can leave questions, suggestions, or anything else in the thread here.

Link to signup: https://hopin.to/events/near-community-town-hall-2

What questions would you like answered?


How about leads/facilitators from Guilds coming to present?

  • 4NTS - Michael (Sandbox experiment)
  • Mintbase - Sparrow (createbase guild projects)
  • Marketing Guild - Guto or s.one else?
  • OSA - @blaze
  • Rune - Xoogler/GooGuild

I can briefly also announce our participation in FlamingoDAO and tease community council v0.1


Now that batch 2 applications are open for the Open Web Collective’s accelerator. I think it would be great for a founder from batch 1 to talk about their experience in the program and their traction. OP Games could be a good one for this.

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@erik.near it seems like we have waaaay more cool stuff to share than one hour allows us. How about using the break out room/booth feature of Hopin to create separate sessions for:

  • Guilds
  • Hackathon teams
  • OWC teams
  • Validators
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