- Edited and outlined chapters 1-16 of the Metaweb book and added new materials (3rd pass)
- Met with Founder’s Circle about marketing and retention
- Developed list of elements of launch plan
- Met with Bridgit advisor LPP about next steps with the Badass Black Chrysalis about becoming part of TMBK2.0 and a youth council for Presence
- Met with Eric of https://youth-leader.org. His youth leader will anchor youth council for Presence and help us build the Regen Society digital nation
- Met with Ajo DAO to help them with next steps now that they are in DAOcubator
- Daveed was accepted as a DAOstructor
- Met with DAOlens
- Got Metaweb book on Giveth The Metaweb Book and NFT Collection | Giveth. Need to get hero and get verified
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