🔴 Translation of training material into English

NEAR builder: :red_circle:INFINITY - infinitynft.near

My cartoon https://youtu.be/sW0f3_j8sIg received only warm reviews and already now I have used it to help a member of the Telegram: Contact @near_protocol chat with her wallet. I think that the cartoon needs to be adapted for an English audience and made a voice translation with the help of my companion Yana
Moreover, the idea of translation was warmly appreciated, and my accent will only attract additional attention and can give birth to memes. https://twitter.com/mattdlockyer/status/1405904506919915523?s=21

After translation, we will launch this cartoon using this service.

E-mail: nft.transform@gmail.com
tw: @transformnft
Telegram: Contact @nftinfinity


#discourse #forum #transform #infinity #melody #animem #nft #transformers


Thank you for your contributions to the community, but I will be voting “NO” on this proposal: SputnikDAO

Proposals to the creatives SputnikDAO should be approved on the forum BEFORE being submitted on chain for payout.

Please check our proposal submission guide: [Guide] The Creatives DAO Funding


Along with Chloe, I will also be voting “NO” and would recommend this activity be targeted to the Open Web Sandbox for one of the 3. Content Translation and Subtitles rewards for June.
Always love to see more translations but the Creatives DAO is not the best fit for this proposal.

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