Project title: Translate Gitbooks from Near Certified Professor and NEAR Certified Analyst to English and French. Translate the Nomicon documentation to Spanish.
One-liner: As we start to engage more Universities all over the Globe, we need to have the content written by the NEAR Hispano team to English and French to acommodate regions globally. Universities in LatAm are requesting documentation in Spanish, so we will start translating the Nomicon documentation.
Project DAO: NEAR Hispano SputnikDAO
Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants & Onboarding Universities to NEAR Education.
Project members
- Claudio Cossio
- Luz S
- America MG
Payout month: 2021-12-01T06:00:00Z → 2022-02-11T06:00:00Z
NEAR target accounts: NEAR Hispano DAO
NCP Gitbook in English - pending link
NCA Gitbook in French - pending link
- Translation of 28,200 words from the NCP and NCA gitbooks to English
- Translation of 28,200 words from the NCP and NCA gitbooks to French
- Translation of 16,100 words in the Nomicon site to Spanish