Syllabus for NCP and Script for the gitbook for the NCP Bootcamp - October 2021

Project title: Syllabus for NCP and Script for the gitbook for the NCP Bootcamp

One-liner: Package NCP Bootcamp & Methodology for teachers to deliver it in a higher education organization and NCD Bootcamp

Project DAO: NEAR Hispano DAO

Series: Bring teachers to NEAR University and partnerships with Universities in Mexico

Project members

  • Luz Saucedo
  • America Martinez
  • Claudio Cossio (cacossio.near)

Payout month

October 2021

NEAR target account

NEAR Hispano DAO -

Funding request

3000 USDC

120 hours of work to develop and present the proposal to NEAR Hispano. This will have the design of the spaces and course work for the NCP Bootcamp to have the structure to be adopted for the NEAR Guilds

Project summary

OKR’s for the proposal

  • Design and execution of the learning space (ABCs of a Bootcamp, the best practices and necessary means to implement a successful bootcamp)
  • Learn about the methodology to teach about NEAR (Bootcamps, One day courses, Camps, etc)
  • Workshop to teach about creating the space and the methodology


  • October 30th - present the documentation of the spaces designed for Universities to implement the NCD/ NCI Bootcamp