Translate learn club post into Vietnamese

Hi everyone

Near is a fast-growing protocol, I have learned in I feel it’s really awesome.

So I think I can join a hand by translating it it Vietnamese so that more developer from my country can reach Near community

What I have done:

More post to go


Approved and let’s rock it further!

This sounds great! Was just talking to @Riley this morning about exactly this- educating people in the local language. @thanhlm , would be great to sync with Riley who runs our Vietnamese community. :slight_smile:

Yea. Robert and I discussed about translating this web to Vietnamese some days before. It’ll be processed soon :smile:


I’m excited to do that. How can we connect @Riley ?

Hi @thanhlm, can you give me the steps to publish new guide in like what you did?
Thanks a lot

Hi, you can contact me a telegram. My username is mihthanh27!

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is that real telegram contact bro. I cannot find your account.

Oh I’m sorry, my mistake. My telegram username is thanhle27

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Plz contact me via telegram @RileyTran