Popular telegram bot @nearwatchbot helps NEAR users to watching their wallets for new transactions.
I suggest buying a bot for further improvement by the community.
Popular telegram bot @nearwatchbot helps NEAR users to watching their wallets for new transactions.
I suggest buying a bot for further improvement by the community.
it would be great if we could make it opensource and further expand this repo, me and my team are ready to make some pull request
Hey JohnnyDoe are you the dev of this product? what else can this bot do?
Yes, I’m dev and promoter of the bot )
At the moment, nothing more, but it copes well with the main task)
Echoing icebear, the bot source (or scaffold for near.watch dynamic NFTs) would be a great starting point for many near.org/metabuidl teams! We already chatted on on t.me/nearwatch about that
Sorry fellas, but these are different projects, it so happened that the names are very similar, I myself did not expect
The bot is quite simple, it allows you to receive notifications about transactions of selected addresses. But it turned out to be very useful and popular. I believe the community will be able to develop it into a more complex product
Hi! This idea looks quite interesting and I propose my help. I worked on similar bots for telegram and discord. Can you share the link to where the bot source is?
oops! thanks for clairifying.
I see. I have experienced it myself and it does it’s main task good work
So it seems to be a fair deal and open-sourcing this bot makes perfect sense.
Thanks everyone for replies.
Finally bot is rebranded
bot’s code is open, come and check it at LNC repo:
I’ve been using this bot for almost a year, and my particular experience to monitor transactions on my wallets is great!
I have been using the bot for 2 years and it has been great! Although, I noticed that the links were initially for Near Explorer, then for another one, and now they have returned to Near Explorer again?
Nice ! Thanks for DEV this bot.
fraDAO incubating a Farm, and have Restaurant, bar, products store.
We created a token and Will be Nice to add a “$value” of the token in bot response.
Cause in some party and festival we need a fast responsible with a good preview to check the transation, and give the drinks ASAP.
Can we conversation inbox?
What command will remove a near account from this bot?